Browse Collections (1857 total)

Burt, James Hendrie


Two oral history interviews with Flight Lieutenant Dr James Hendrie Burt (b. 1922, 203682 Royal Air Force). He served as a medical officer in the RAF…

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McMahon, Thomas


35 items. The collection concerns Thomas McMahon (1061081, Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, documents, objects and photographs. He flew…

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Hughes, David James


16 items. The collection concerns David James Hughes (b. 2 August 1925, 3000307 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, documents, correspondence…

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Bratley, Harold W


30 items. The collection concerns Flight Lieutenant Harold W Bratley (755503, 145716 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, documents and…

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Audis, Roger J


Four items. The collection contains material collected by Roger Audis related to 9 Squadron RAF and airmen who served in the squadron. The collection…

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Geary, Patrick Clement. Album


69 items. An album of photographs and clippings covering his training and service.

The collection has been loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for…

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Sproulle, Thomas Hamilton


One item. The collection concerns Thomas Hamilton Sproulle DFC (b. 1906, 144448 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book. He flew operations as a…

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