Browse Collections (1857 total)

Dunbar, Reg


An oral history interview with Squadron Leader Reginald Dunbar DFM (b. 1921, 50747 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a wireless operator / air…

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Doward, Len

An oral history interview with Len Doward (1920 - 2022, 182242 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a pilot with 625 and 550 Squadrons.


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Done, Ken


Two oral history interviews with Ken Done (Royal Air Force). He served in Air Sea Rescue.
The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive…

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Done, Iris

An oral history interview with Iris Done (b. 1920). She served in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.
The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital…

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di Placito, Lawrence Henry


Two oral history interviews with Lawrence 'Lawrie' di Placito (1922, 1646268 Royal Air Force). He served in Air Sea Rescue.
collection was…

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Dicker, Violet


Two items. An oral history interview with Violet Dicker (b. 1926). She served in the Land Army and is the widow of bomb aimer and navigator Flight…

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Dellow, James Albert


Six items. An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant James Albert Dellow (1921, 13918226, 171266 Royal Air Force) his log books and note books.…

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Dell, Frank

An oral history interview with Frank Dell (1923 - 2022, 131049 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a pilot with 692 Squadron. The collection was…

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Delfosse, Jack


Three items. An oral history interview with Jack Delfosse (1924 - 2020, 3032135 Royal Air Force) and two photographs. He flew operations as a…

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Dean, John Eric Hatherly


An oral history interview with John Dean DFC (1922, 173978 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a navigator with 77 Squadron.
The collection was…

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Day, Margaret Helen

An oral history interview with Margaret Day (b. 1924, 2015932Royal Air Force). She served in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.
The collection was…

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Day, Basil Charles

An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Charles Day (1922, Royal Air Force). He served on 55 and 201 Squadrons.
The collection was…

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Dawson, Ron

An oral history interview with Warrant Officer Ron Dawson (1684989 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as an air gunner.
The collection was…

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Davis, Ronald Charles


Two items. An oral history interview with Ronald Davis (b. 1922, 1603009 Royal Air Force) and a photograph of his crew. He was a flight engineer on…

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Davis, Alan William

An oral history interview with Alan William Davis (1922 - 2021, 425834 Royal New Zealand Air Force). He flew operations as a wireless operator / air…

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Davies, Ronald


An oral history interview with Ron Davies (1921 - 2020, 186892 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a navigator with 101 Squadron.
The collection…

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Davies, Howell


An oral history interview with Squadron Leader Howell Davies (b. 1939, 2617909 Royal Air Force). He served in the RAF 1963 - 1994.
The collection was…

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Davies, Edward

An oral history interview with Edward 'Sonny' Davies (b. 1924).

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

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Petenati, Jutta

The collection consists of one oral history interview with Jutta Petenati, who recollects her wartime experiences in Berlin.

The collection has…

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Maltby, David John Hatfeild


Seven items. The collection concerns Squadron Leader David John Hatfeild Maltby DSO, DFC (1920 - 1943, 60335 Royal Air Force) and consists of his…

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Wildes, Jim


An oral history interview with James Wildes (1923 - 2019, Royal Air Force).
He failed aircrew selection due to ear problems and so served as ground…

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Turner, Bert


An oral history interview with Bert Turner (b. 1923, 1607412 Royal Air Force). He completed 31 bombing and supply operations as a flight engineer with…

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Hooley, Ray

An oral history interview with Ray Hooley (b.1928). He served in the Royal Observer Corps.
The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive…

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Harvey, Harold

An oral history interview with Harold Harvey (b. 1923). He lived in Lincolnshire during the war.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital…

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Troglio, Paolo and Bernabè, Angelo


40 items. The collection consists of the service and private papers of Paolo Troglio (b. 1921), an aviere of Regia Aeronautica later attached to the…

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