Hedges, Betty


Hedges, Betty
Elizabeth C Hedges
E C Hedges


Ten items. An oral history interview with Betty Hedges (b. 1926), a song sheet, diary, letters concerning civil defence, photographs and newspaper cutting. She grew up in south London during the war and relates experiences of being bombed and working as a civil defence messenger.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Betty Hedges and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Hedges, EC

Collection Items

Love baffled censors
Explains the acronyms HOLLAND and ITALY used in soldiers letter and that soldiers vie over invention of best catch phrases.

Woman at party
Full length portrait of a woman wearing a light dress holding a balloon and covered in streamers. In the background a painting on the wall and other people in suits.

Family group
Five adults and two young girls pose alongside a tent with bushes in the background.

Woman in skirt and blouse
Full length portrait of a dark haired woman wearing light blouse and pleated skirt.

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill with other men, one of them in uniform with a peaked cap.

Order of the day to members of the civil defence (general) services
Notes demobilisation of civil defence services. Relates history of civil defence forces and notes that participants should be proud of service and take many memories, Thanks to all.

Letter to all members of civil defence messenger service
Written as civil defence duties finished. Thanks for loyal support. Notes final parade on 10 June 1945.

1943 Diary
Mentions anniversary of death of Uncle George December 1942. Daily activities for January and some of February and sporadic entries after that. Writes of going to pictures and walks. Contains some telephone numbers and addresses of friends.

Song sheet
The lyrics to 27 war time songs

Interview with Betty Hedges
Betty Hedges grew up in South London during the final years before the war and she recalls a happy childhood. She describes a close family and community life where the children played unworried in the streets and she talks about the games they played…
View all 10 items

Collection Tree

  • Hedges, Betty