Wade, Ron


Wade, Ron
R Wade


Four items. An oral history interview with Ron Wade (b. 1917, Royal Air Force) and three photographs. He flew operations as a wireless operator with 58 Squadron.

The collection was catalogued by Nigel Huckins


IBCC Digital Archive



Collection Items

Course photograph
Sixteen airmen, some wearing tunics, others in shirt sleeves sitting and standing in two rows. Submitted with information 'Ron in Wireless Operator training at Yatesbury, he is second from the left bottom row'.

Course photograph
Sixteen airmen all wearing tunics, sitting and standing in two rows. Submitted with information 'Ron in Wireless Operator training at Yatesbury, he is second from right bottom row'.

Airman in flying suit
Three-quarter length image of an airman wearing Sidcot flying suit standing with building in the background. Captioned 'Warrant Officer Ron Wade age 22, rear gunner, wireless operator'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Interview with Ron Wade
Ron was born in Stoke-on-Trent. He left school at 14 and tells of his experiences working in a pottery factory doing odd jobs, until he was called up. He joined the Royal Air Force in 1939 at the age of 22 and trained as an air gunner at RAF…
View all 4 items

Collection Tree

  • Wade, Ron