Whalley, Jack


Whalley, Jack
John Whalley
J Whalley


Four items. The collection concerns (Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, quote from Bob Hope and two photographs. He flew operations as an observer on Meteorological flights with 521 Squadron.

The collection was loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Neil Sproates and catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Walley, J

Collection Items

C Flight No 1 Squadron No 11 ITW June 1941
48 trainee airmen in three rows, four instructors front and centre.

Jack Whalley
Jack in uniform with Observers brevet standing outside a house.

Bob Hope quote
'I never left home', a quote about navigators.

Jack Whalley’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book
Jack Whalley’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 9th July 1941 until 10th October 1952. Initial training at No. 9 Air Observers School as an air observer, navigator, air gunner and bomb aimer. Further training as…
View all 4 items

Collection Tree

  • Whalley, Jack