No 92 Group standard cockpit drills (Wellington III and X)



No 92 Group standard cockpit drills (Wellington III and X)


Includes; precautions before and after entering aircraft, left to right check over cockpit, starting up, action in the event of fire on start up, running up, taxying out, vital actions before take-off, take-off/circuit and landing, stopping engines, overshooting, engine failure drill, feathering and action in the event of fire in an engine.




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Six page typewritten document


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[underlined] No. 92 Group Standard Cockpit Drills. [/underlined]
[underlined] WELLINGTON III & X. [/underlined]
[underlined] February, 1944. [/underlined]

Amended 31st May, 1944. Ref :- 98 G/S.45/4/Air.

[underlined] Precautions before entering aircraft. [/underlined]

[symbol] 1. Sign Authorisation Book.
[symbol] 2. Ensure that there are no obstacles near the aircraft and that the slipstream will not blow over other aircraft or into buildings.
[symbol] 3. Ensure fire-extinguisher available.
[symbol] 4. Send fitter on to wings to check that petrol filler caps are locked down.
[symbol] 5. Check that pitot head and cable cutter covers are removed and heater [missing letters]erated.
[symbol] 6. Examine tyres for damage, pressure and "creep" round the wheel. (1" per main wheel, 3/4" per tail wheel, is maximum movement.)
[symbol] 7. Check that oleo legs stand 1/2" (minimum 3") below outer cylinders on each wheel.
[symbol] 8. Check chocks in position and ropes correctly laid out.
9. Inspect propeller blades for damage.
[symbol] 10. Examine the condition of the fabric on the fuselage and under-side of the wings, and check that landing lamps are fully retracted.
[symbol] 11. Note the position of all trimmer tabs.
[symbol] 12. Sign Form 700. Note serviceability, fuel and oil state, and hours to next inspection.
[symbol] 13. Ensure each propeller is turned [inserted] 2 [/inserted] revolutions by hand.
[symbol] 14. See A/C is heading approx. into [missing letter]nd.
Inserted][symbol] 15. Look for signs of oil leak. [/inserted]

[underlined] Precautions after entering aircraft. [/underlined]

1. Check front turret locked and bulkhead door closed and ensure main escape hatch closed and locked. Check ladder stowed and pilots escape hatch closed and locked.
2. When full crew is carried check rear hinge on astro-dome undone, and dome left hanging on front hinge for take-off and landing.
3. Check main petrol cocks. "Cp" and "Cs" [underlined] ON. [/underlined] "B" [underlined] OFF. [/underlined] "H" [underlined] OFF. [/underlined]
4. All parachutes stowed correctly and all loose articles secure.
5. Check oil level in hydraulic header tank.
6. Adjust pilot's seat, rudder bar, and test freedom of movement of controls.
7.Check brake pressure (main supply and each wheel.)

[underlined] Left to right check over cockpit. [/underlined]

1. Landing light lever fully back.
2. Pilot's petrol cocks ON, and balance cock "A" OFF.
3. Test Trimming Tabs for freedom of movement and set neutral.
4. Slow running cut-outs fully down.
5. Control box: (friction lever free, "M" ratio, cold air c-s lever to MAXIMUM REVS. ., normal mixture, throttles closed.)
6. Inter-comm. and T.R.9. switched on.
7. Landing light switch OFF.
8. Bomb door control to SHUT.
9. Master switch for indicator light [missing word] Check undercarriage lights (dim at night) and flap indicator.
10. Gills fully open and tested for freedom of movement.


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11. Check identification and resin lights. Leave Nose Light ON at night.
12. Test fuel contents on guages [sic].
13. Test undercarriage warning horn.
14. Check propeller master switches ON, feathering switches NORMAL and selector switches in AUTO.
15. Check that cylinder head temperature guages [sic] correspond with the outside air thermometer. (N.B. Engines must be cold.)
16. Undercarriage selector lever locked down.
17. Flap lever NEUTRAL.
18. Check that compass grid-ring can be moved freely.
19. B.A. Mixer box to MIX or "I.C."
20. Pitot head heater switch, master lighting switch, navigation lights switch and nose light switch checked for desired positions.
21. Oil cooler shutter exactors opened, held for a few seconds against the springs and then closed.
22. Instrument suction cock to port or starboard.
23. Emergency hydraulic system control in normal position.
24. Close bomb-doors with hand pump.
25. Strap yourself in.

[underlined] Starting up. [/underlined]

1. Brakes ON. Ignition switches OFF.
2. See propellers clear.
3. When given "CONTACT PORT" by ground crew, switch on port mags., open port throttle 1/2", and press port starter and booster coil buttons (starter button slightly in advance). When engine starts open up to 8-900 r.p.m. Keep booster coil button pressed for 5 seconds. If engine does not start within 10 seconds, wait for one minute, then try again. (When starting NEVER attempt to "catch" the engine by opening the throttle.) When oil pressure falls below 150 lbs/, open up to 1,000 revs.
4. Repeat for starboard engine.
5. Test flaps by lowering to 60° and raising again. Stop the upward movement at any one point to test for "creep" (faulty flow control valve.) When flaps are fully up, leave control lever in NEUTRAL.
6. Test T.R.9.

[underlined] Action in the event of fire when starting up. [/underlined]

1. Close throttle.
2. Stop engine, using slow running cut-out.
3. Turn off fuel.
4. Switch off ignition.
5. When prop. stops :-
(a) If fire is in intake instruct ground crew to blanket intake.
(b) If fire is in engine operate Graviner and instruct ground crew to use external fire extinguishers.

[underlined] Running up [/underlined] (i) First run up after D.I. or long period on ground.

1. When cylinder head temperatures reach 120 and oil temps. exceed 15. (oil pressures down to 90 lbs/ open up port engine to 1500 r.p.m., not more, and select "S" blower. Note immediate drop in oil pressure, returning to normal in a few seconds. Note slight drop in revs, Return to "M".
2. Open port throttle to 2000 r.p.m.
3. Check C.S. Unit by reducing revs. on manual control by 300 revs. Return C.S. lever to MAXIMUM REVS.


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4. Note decrease in revs. on engaging warm air. Return to cold.
5. Note decrease in revs. on engaging weak mixture. Leave in weak.
6. Open up smoothly to full throttle. Check that mixture control returns to normal at 0 boost. At full throttle note boost. (+5 lbs/ and revs. 2700-2800.
7. Throttle back smoothly into just below 2 1/2 boost and check Revs. within 50 of revs given in Form 700 and Test mags. (maximum drop 50 r.p.m. with no vibration) Test boost changeover plunger, Engage weak mixture. Close throttle and check that mixture control returns to normal before the throttle is fully closed.
8. Check tick-over with throttle fully closed, and open up to 1000 revs. Repeat 1 to 8 for starboard engine and cage mag. switches.

[underlined] Running up [/underlined] (ii) When engines have been run within last 4 hours.

1. As for (i) above.
2. As for (i) above.
3. As for (i) above.
4. Open port engine up to 0 boost and note revs. (within 50 of revs. given in F.700 for 0 boost.)
5. Test mag. at 2 1/2 lbs rated boost.
6. Note oil pressure and throttle back.
7. Check tick-over throttle fully closed, then open up to 1000 r.p.m.
Repeat for starboard engine and cage mag. switches.
8. Adjust oil cooler shutters. (Well. III)
Note :- for both run-ups.
(a) Oil cooler shutters closed for running up when cold (Well. III)
(b) When running up starboard engine, ensure that generator is charging.
(c) Test gyro suction pump on each engine during ground run.

[underlined] Taxying out. [/underlined]

1. Minimum brake pressure for taxying is 120 lbs/Sq. in.
2. Wave away chocks and on signal from ground crew release brakes. Open up engines gently until aircraft moves forward, then reduce revs. to 1000.
3. Control speed to a sensible safe speed by use of brakes.
Note :-
(a) Avoid turning with one wheel locked.
(b) Revs. may be reduced for taxying downhill and vice-versa.

[underlined] Vital actions before Take-Off. [/underlined]

T. Trimming tabs central.
M. Mixture NORMAL; "M" blower; COLD air.
P. Pitch: C.S. Levers to MAXIMUM REVS.; Safety Switches ON;
Feathering switches NORMAL; selector switches AUTO.
F. Fuel cocks ON (down and caged) and sufficient fuel for flight.
F. Flaps: 10 to 15 degrees (according to load) and lever returned to NEUTRAL.
G. Gills closed to 4-8 depending on Cyl. head temp., and oil cooler shutters adjusted.
S. Sperry panel: Set altimeter to 60 ft; set directional gyro as required; check gyro horizon.

[underlined] Take-Off Circuit and Landing. [/underlined]

1. Order rear gunner to rotate turret 90 degrees to port.
2. Obtain permission to take off. Clear engines by opening up to 0 boost.
3. Release brakes and turn into wind, running forward a few yards to straighten the tail wheel. Stop and uncage the gyro. Tighten throttle friction lever. Open both engines up to 2000 r.p.m. against the brakes.


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4. Release brakes and open throttles smoothly keeping straight by use of throttles and then coarse use of rudder.
5. At full throttle, check 2800 revs. and full boost.
6. At 95 m.p.h. ease aircraft off the ground.
7. When crossing windward boundry or at least 50 feet from the ground, squeeze brakes to stop wheels rotating (and any vibration) Release brakes, select undercarriage UP and allow speed to increase to 120 m.p.h. whilst climbing gently.
Note :-
Never squeeze brakes after wheels have been selected up.
8. At 200 feet reduce boost to plus 2 lbs. and revs. to 2400.
9. Climb at 135 m.p.h. and at 400 feet, raise flaps and trim a/c.
10. At 500 feet increase speed to 140 m.p.h. and make rate one turn on to 180 degrees. At 900 feet reduce boost to minus 2 lbs, and revs. to 2000. Level out at 1000 feet and put mixture control to weak.
11. Adjust gills and oil cooler shutters as necessary.
12. Obtain permission to land on downwind leg.
13. Maintain height of 1000 feet.
14. Close throttles until the horn blows and note that the mixture controls return to normal.
15. When I.A.S. has dropped to 140 m.p.h. select undercarriage DOWN. Increase boost to minus 3 lbs, and revs to 2500. Set elevator trimming tab to neutral.
16. When green lights appear, check wheels O.K., and at a speed of 130 m.p.h. or less, lower flap 20 degrees.
17. Check brake pressure.
18. After airfield has passed port wing tip, make rate one turn to left on to 090 degrees. Maintain I.A.S. of not less than 120 m.p.h. make a rate one turn to the left to bring the aircraft in line with the runway, losing height gently in the turn.
19. When fully into wind at 700 to 800 feet, loosen throttle friction lever and close throttles, to ensure the horn does not blow.
20. When speed has dropped to 110 m.p.h. select full flap.
21. Reduce speed to 95 m.p.h. using engines to adjust approach
22. If the following conditions are not fulfilled at a height of 200 feet, carry out the overshoot procedure. (see below).

By day :- (i) Crew at landing stations and rear turret 90 degrees to port.
(ii) Clear landing run into wind or as indicated by landing T.
(iii) Correct airspeed.
(iv) Correct rate of descent on near airfield boundary.
(v) Cockpit drill complete.

By night :- (i) Crew at landing stations and rear turret 90 degrees to port.
(ii) In line with flare path.
(iii) Correct airspeed.
(iv) In green sector of angle of approach indicator.
(v) Cockpit drill complete.

23. Close throttles slowly and fully when holding off, not when flattening out.
24. After landing, taxy clear of runway or flarepath, stop and increase revs. to 1000.
25. Open gills fully and adjust oil cooler shutters.
26. Raise flaps and return selector lever to neutral.
27. Look out for other aircraft and taxy away.
Note :-
When carrying out flapless landing (which may be practiced with an instructor and when wind speed is more than 15 m.p.h. the downwind leg of the circuit must be extended to allow plenty of room and the speed during the final approach must be 100-105 m.p.h. according to wind speed.


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[underlined] Stopping Engines. [/underlined]

1. Bring aircraft on to a standstill facing into wind and lock brakes on.
Set R.P.M. to 1400 exercise "S" gear 10 seconds. Return to "M" gear.
2. Set throttles to 1000 r.p.m. and allow engines to cool down for approximately 2 minutes. Cylinder Head temperatures should be reduced to 200° C at least.
3. Open up port throttle to -2 boost, hold for 5 seconds and then slowly close to 1000 r.p.m.
4. Run at 1000 r.p.m. for two minutes in order thoroughly to scavenge the crankcase of oil and prevent hydraulicing.
5. Close throttle completely.
6. Pull up port cut-out, and, when propeller has stopped revolving, switch off. Pull up port petrol cock.
7. Repeat for starboard engine.
8. Lock throttles fully closed.
9. Switch off inter-comm., TR 9 and all electrical circuits.
10. Close oil cooler shutters.
[underlined] NOTE: [/underlined] If boms [sic] have NOT been carried, open bomb doors and return lever to shut. If bombs of any kind HAVE been carried, bomb doors are to be opened by the ground crew after inspection by the armourers.
11. Enter any unserviceability on F.700.

[underlined] Overshooting. [/underlined]

1. If possible, decide at 200 feet to go round again and do not wait until the last moment before taking action.
2. Open up smoothly to full boost and clamp throttles, I.A.S. 95 m.p.h., A/B or 2nd pilot to call out airspeed until normal climbing conditions have been attained.
3. Raise undercarriage.
4. Allow speed to increase to 110 m.p.h.
5. When undercarriage is fully retracted and at a minimum height of 300 feet, raise slaps to 40 degrees.
6. At a minimum height of 400 feet, reduce boost to plus 2 and revs to 2400.
7. Take off remaining flap in 10 degree stages, allowing speed to increase 5 m.p.h. for each stage, and also correcting the attitude of the aircraft at each stage.
8. Climb straight ahead to 1000 feet and continue with normal circuit.
9. Check oil and cyl. head temps. and adjust gills and oil cooler shutters accordingly.

[underlined] NOTE: [/underlined] Should the aircraft have actually bounced on the ground and the airspeed be very low the r.p.m. should, if possible, be put to the fully fine take-off position as soon as possible after opening the throttles.

[underlined] Engine Failure Drill. [/underlined] (To be practised at a minimum height of 3,000 feet).

C. for [underlined] CHECK [/underlined] (a) Close throttle on defective engine.
(b) Check yaw with opposite rudder and bias.
(c) Remember Balance Cock "A" (to be pulled up in event of actual engine failure to test for petrol pump failure).

A. for [underlined] ANCILLARY CONTROLS. [/underlined]
(a) Plus 2 boost and 2400 revs. on good engine.
(b) Quick check of ignition switches and petrol cooks for possible causes of engine failure.
(c) Feather propeller on defective engine.
(d) Pull up slow-running cut-out and hold until engine stops.


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S for [underlined] SPEED. [/underlined] (a) Speed maintained correct at 135 m.p.h. approx.
(b) Suction pump on good engine.
(c) Switches OFF when engine stops. (If engine has actually cut, pull up petrol cock "EP").
(d) Jettison bombs and fuel. Turn on nacelle tanks.
(e) Shut all hatches and windows, and centralise turrets.

T. for [underlined] TRIM. [/underlined] (a) Rudder bias (as much as possible). Aileron bias (as little as possible.) Elevator trim (as necessary).
(b) Temperatures : Close gills and oil cooler shutters on defective engine, and adjust them on good engine.
(c) Throttle Box. "M" gear; cold air, good engine boost and revs to minimum required to maintain height at 135 m.p.h. approx.
(d) Tanks : a member of the crew stands by to operate the main petrol cocks.

[underlined] Unfeathering. [/underlined]

1. Rev. lever to MINIMUM REVS.
2. Throttle to starting position.
3. Switch on ignition.
4. Raise cover and place emergency feathering switch to NORMAL.
5. Check selector switch in AUTO.
6. Allow engine to warm up at 2000 revs if oil temperature is below 15 degrees.
7. When this figure has been reached, open up to cruising boost and revs immediately.
8. Adjust trim.
9. Adjust boost and revs. on other engine.
10. Adjust gills and oil cooler shutters.

[underlined] Action in the event of fire in an engine. [/underlined]

1. Warn crew "Put on Parachutes", or if too low, to take up crash positions.
2. Close throttle and feather propeller immediately.
3. Turn off fuel.
(1, 2 and 3 should be done together.)
4. When engine stops :- (i) Switch off ignition.
(ii) Operate Appropriate Graviner Switch.
5. If fire goes out, land as soon as possible. NEVER restart the engine in the air.
6. If fire does not go out, JUMP if over land. Don't leave it too late to jump. It is better to go too early than too late.

[underlined] 16th. February, 1944. [/underlined]


92 Group, “No 92 Group standard cockpit drills (Wellington III and X),” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 7, 2024,

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