Q Codes



Q Codes


List of Q codes





Multi-page typewritten document


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.





[underlined] “Q” CODE. [/underlined] [underlined] SECRET. [/underlined]

QFE What is the barometric pressure not reduced to sea-level at . . . ? (QFF reduced to sea-level).
QBA What is the horizontal visibility at . . . ?
QBB What is the height of the base of the low cloud at . . . ?
QAN What is the direction and force of the surface wind at . . . ?
QUB Can I have a weather report in the following order QBA, QBB, QAN, at . . . ?
QBI Fog conditions are in force.
QDL I am going to ask for a series of bearings.
QTE What is my true bearing in relation to you?
QDR What is my magnetic bearing in relation to you?
QDM What is the magnetic course to steer to reach you with zero wind?
QGU Fly for . . . minutes on a magetc [sic] course of . . . degrees.
QDY There is a balloon barrage within 60 miles of me on QDM.
QTF Will you give me my position (fix).
QDP I will accept W/T control of . . .
QDS I cannot accept W/T control of . . .
QGH May I carry out a controlled approach?
QGI You may not carry out a controlled approach.
QGP What is my turn for landing?
QGL Can I enter the controlled zone?
QSY Change frequency to . . .
QFO May I land direct?
QAH What is your height?
QFM At what height must I fly?
QFG Am I above the aerodrome?
QBH Are you flying below cloud?
QFH May I descend below cloud?

[page break]

QAL Are you going to land at . . . ?
QGN May I land at . . . ?
QGO You may not land at . . . ?
QGQ Wait for instructions at . . . feet in vicinity of . . .
QGV Can you see me?
QAA What is your E.T.A. At . . . ?
QAE Have you any news of . . . ?
QFS Is the Beacon Approach Beacon in operation at . . . ?
QGA May I land using Beam Approach?
QGB You may not land using Beam Approach.
QKA Is the Beam Approach installation in operation?
QKB The Beam Approach installation is out of action.
QKC The main beacon of the Beam Approach installation is working but the inner marker is not operating.
QKD The main beacon of the beam approach installation is working but the outer marker is not [inserted] in [/inserted] operation.
QKE The main beacon of the beam approach track guide at . . . is working but the high marker is not operating.
QKF May I land using the beam approach installation?
QKI You may not land using the beam approach installation.
QKJ May I approach using the beam approach installation.?
QKL You may not approach using the beam approach installation.
QKM Switch on the beam approach[deleted] i [/deleted] installation at . . .
QKN Switch on the Beam Approach track guide at . . .
QTA Cancel my last message
QFX You are diverted to . . .
QTK I am using SYKO card for the . . . day of the month.
QAM Give Me Latest Weather Report At . . .
QAK Is There Risk Of Colion [sic] . . .

[page break]

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QAK Is There Risk Of Colision [sic].
QAL – Are you going to land at . . . ?
QGN – May I land at . . . ?
QGO – You may not land at . . .
QGQ – Wait for instructions at . . . feet in the vicinity of . . .
QGV - Can you see me?
QAA – What is your E.T.A. at . . . ?
QAE – Have you any news of . . . ?

QFS – Is the Beam Approach Beacon in operation at . . . ?
QGA – May I land using Beam Approach?
QGB – You may NOT land using Beam Approach.
QKA – Is the Beam Approach Installation in operation?
QKB – The Beam Approach Installation is out of action.
QKC – The Main Beacon of the Beam Approach Installation is working, but the Inner Marker is not operating.
QKD – The Main Beacon of the Beam Approach Installation is working, but the Outer Marker is not operating.
QKF – May I land using the Beam Approach Installation?
QKI - You may not land using the Beam Approach Installation.
QKJ – May I approach using the Beam Approach Installation?
QKL – You may not approach using the Beam Approach Installation.
QKH – Switch on the Beam Approach Installation at . . .
QJA – Is the R.T.G at . . . in operation?
QJM – Request Track Guide at . . . is switched on.
QJJ – May I use R.T.G. procedure?
QJI – You may not use R.T.G. procedure.

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[underlined] ‘Q’ CODE. [/underlined]

QFE – What is the barometric pressure, not reduced to sea-level at . . . ? (QFF = reduced to sea-level).
QBA – What is the horizontal visibility at . . . ?
QBB – What is the height of the base of the low cloud at . . . ?
QAN – What is the direction and force of the surface wind at . . . ?
QUB – Can I have a weather report in the following order QBA, QBB, QAN, at . . . ?
QBI – Fog conditions are in force.

QDL – I am going to ask for a series of bearings.
QTE – What is my true bearing in relation to you?
QDR – What is my magnetic bearing in relation to you?
QDM – What is the magnetic course to steer to reach you with zero wind?
QGU – Fly for . . . minutes on a magnetic course of . . . degrees.
QDY – There is a balloon barrage within 60 miles of this station on QDM.
(JBY a Balloon Barrage - - A.B. 1927)
QTF – Will you give me my position (fix)
QDP – I will accept W/T Control of . . .
QDS – I cannot accept W/T Control of . . .
QDX – I have accepted W/T Control of . . .

QGH – May I carry out a controlled approach?
QGI – You may not carry out a controlled approach.
QGP – What is my turn for landing?
QGL – Can I enter the Controlled Zone?
QSY – Change frequency to . . .
QFO – May I land direct?
QAH – What is your height?
QFM – At what height must I fly?
QFG – Am I above the aerodrome?
QBH – Are you flying below cloud?
QFH – May I descend below cloud?
QAM – Give Me Latest Weather Report At - - -



“Q Codes,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 27, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/35279.

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