R/T procedure



R/T procedure


Covers general, phonetic alphabet, pronunciation of numerals. the call, the text, the ending, word or phrase control, transmitting and answering, repetitions, correction of messages, acknowledgement, signal strength and readability and other procedures and phrases.





Multi-page typewritten document


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.





[underlined] R/T PROCEDURE [/underlined]

[underlined] GENERAL [/underlined]

(a) Messages transmitted by Radio Telephone are not necessarily written down, but operators should whenever possible make a short note of their [missing letters]rport.
They must therefore be kept short and to the point. This is best achieved by the use of standard phraseology. Messages which have to be given by the receiving operator to another person should preferably be written down.

(b) When using Radio Telephone speech will be clear and slow with an even emphasis on each word. Words will not be run together.

(c) Messages will be spoken by natural phrases and not word by word.

(d) In the interests of security, transmission by Radio Telephone will be as short and concise as possible consistent with clearness. (Para.9 (e).)

[underlined] PHONETIC ALPHABET [/underlined]

(a) When necessary to identify any letter of the alphabet the standard phonetic alphabet is to be used. This alphabet is listed below:-

Letter Spoken as
A Able (Afirm)
B Baker
C Charlie
D Dog
E Easy
F Fox
G George
H How
I Item (Interrogatory)
J Jig
K King
L Love
M Mike
N Nan (Negat)
O Oboe
P Peter (Prep)
Q Queen
R Roger
S Sugar
T Tare
U Uncle
V Victor
W William
X Xray
Y Yoke
Z Zebra

[underlined] PRONNUNCIAN OF NUMERALS [/underlined]

When figures are transmitted by Radio Telephone the following rules for their pronunciation will be observed:-

Figure Spoken
0 Zero
1 Wun
2 Too
3 Thur-ree
4 Fo-wer
5 Fi-yiv
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Ate
9 Niner

[underlined] THE CALL [/underlined]

EX. Full call

(Hullo) – (Hullo
Call sign receiving station – Able Baker
This is – This is
Call sign station calling – Peter Three

[underlined] The Text (Subject Matter) [/underlined]

The text (subject matter) may consist of plain language, code words or figures. If it is necessary to spell out a word, the phonetic alphabet will be used.

[underlined] THE ENDING [/underlined]

Every transmission will end with one of the following procedure words:-

(1) Over . . . My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you.

(2) Out . . . This conversation is ended and no response is expected.

[page break]

[underlined] R/T PROCEDURE [/underlined] continued.

[underlined] Word or Phrase contd. [/underlined]

Break . . . "I hereby indicate the separation of the text from other portions of the message." To be used only when there is no clear distinction between the text and other portions of the message.

[underlined] Transmitting and Answering [/underlined]

The following general rules govern the transmission of radio telephone R/T messages when two-way working is employed:-

(a) When both stations are in good communication all parts of the transmission are made once through."

[underlined] REPITIONS [sic] [/underlined]

(a) When words are missed or are doubtful, repetitions will be requested by the receiving station before recipting [sic] for the message. The procedure phrases "Say again" and "I say again" used alone or in conjunction with "all before" and all after" "_ to _", and "word after" will be used for this purpose.

(b) In giving repititions [sic] the transmitting station will always repeat the words uded [sic] in the request to identify the portions.

[underlined] CORRECTION OF MESSAGES [/underlined]

(a) Correction during transmission. When an error has been made by a transmitting operator, the procedure word "correction" will be spoken, the last group or phrase sent correctly will be repeated and the correct version then transmitted.

(Hullo) Able Baker – this is – Peter Three Vector One Zero One – correction – Vector One Zero Zero – etc.

[underlined] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MESSAGES [/underlined]

"Wilco" shall be used in response to the procedure word "Acknowledge" in the text of voice messages, or may be used to acknowledge receipt and capability to comply with an order received even though instruction to acknowledge were not included. As the meaning of "Roger" is included in that of "Wilco" the two words are never used together.

[underlined] SIGNAL STRENGTH – READABILITY [/underlined]

(a) A station is understood to have readability of good unless otherwise notified. Except when making original contact, strength of signals and readability will not be exchanged unless one station cannot clearly hear another station.

(b) The response to "How do you hear me" will be a short concise report of actual receiption [sic], such as "weak but readable," "Strong but distorted" etc.

[page break]

[underlined] R/T PROCEDURE Continued. [/underlined]

[underlined] The Ending contd. [/underlined]

Example 1:-
Call . . . (Hullo) Shoeblack this. is Dano
Text Subject matter) . . . Where are tanks?
Ending . . . Over.

Example 2:-
Call . . . (Hullo) Dano this is Shoeblack.
Text (subject matter) . . . Tanks are at base.
Ending . . . 1. . . Out.

[underlined] PROCEDYRE [sic] PHRASES [/underlined]

It is inadvisable to lay down precise wording for all procedure phrases likely to be required in Radio Telephone work. However, the following are to be adopted:-

Word or Phrase Meaning.

Roger . . . "I have received all of your last transmission.”

Acknowledge . . . Used by originator. "Let me know that you have received and understand this message.”

Wilco . . . "Your last message (or message indicated) received, understood and (where applicable) will be complied with."

How do you hear me?

Speak slower

Wait . . . If used by itself means:- "I must pause for a few seconds.” If the pause is longer than a few seconds or if "Wait" is ued [sic] to prevent another station transmitting, it must be followed by the ending OUT.

Say again "Repeat"
I say again “I will repeat” . . . Except when written into the test of a message by the originator, the word “Repeat" or any phrase involving "Repeat" will never be spoken in radio telephone (R/T) communication since it has a distinct operational meaning to the British Army. When used it means that the salvo last ordered will be fired again at the same range.

Verify . . . "Check coding, check test (subject matter with the originator and send correct version."

Message for you . . . “I wish to transmit a message to you."

Send your message . . . "I am ready for your [sic] to transmit.

Read back . . . “Repeat all of this message back to me exactly as received after I have given "Over"

That is Correct . . . “You are correct.”

Words twice . . . (a) As a request: "Communication is difficulty. Please send every phrase (or every code group twice."
(b) As information:- "Since communication is difficulty every phrase (or every code group) in t[missing letter]is message will be sent twice."

Correction . . . "An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated). The correct version is:-

Wrong . . . "What you have just said is incorrect. The correct version is - - - -."

Groups . . . "The number of groups in this code or cypher message is - - -."

[page break]


[underlined] PROCEDURE FOR TAKING OFF [/underlined]

1. Aircraft at dispersal:-
"Hello College, this is Fox may I taxi out? Over."
"Hullo Fox this is College, clear to taxy out to runway No . . . over."

(N.B. Runway Nos. are allotted according to QDM of runway, and represent the QDM in tens of degrees – to the nearest ten.
e.g. Runway with QDM 033 = Runway No. 03
Runway with QM 246 = Runway No.25

"Hello College, this is Fox, Wilco – out."

The Pilot proceeds to marshalling point along the authorised route maintaining listening watch.

2. Aircraft at marshalling point:-
"Hullo College, this is Fox may I take-off?. Over"

Hullo Fox, this is College, clear to take off, over."

"Hullo College, this is Fox, Wilko – over."

“Hullo Fox this is College, hold your position, there is an aircraft landing, over.”
Hullo College, this is Fox, Wilco – out."

[underlined] PROCEDURE FOR LANDING. [underlined]

1. [/underlined] First aircraft [/underlined]
Fox having homed to within R/T range of the airfield is to transmit:-
“Hullo College, this is Fox. Over."
Should the aircraft be in distress, the pilot is to say so, at this point.

"Hullo Fox, this is College, Pancake. QFE - - - Over.”
"Hullo College, this is Fox, QFE - - - Wilco – Out."

Control will [underlined] not [/underlined] reply unless message has been mis-read, in which case a correction will be passed thus:-
“Hullo Fox, this is College, WRONG QFE - - - over."

Aircraft will repeat back as before.

Aircraft having landed calls:-
"Hullo College, this is Fox, clear of runway (or flare path) Out."
Control will [underlined] not [/underlined] reply.

2. [underlined] SECOND & THIRD AIRCRAFT [/underlined]

While Fox is being landed aircraft H & S will have contacted Control.

"Hello, How, this is College, No.2 Airfield 1000 QFE - - - over”
Aircraft H.
"Hello College, this is How, No, 2 Airfield 1000 QFE - - - out.”

"Hello Sugar, this is College, No. 3 Airfield (or beacon) 1500 QFE - - - over."
Aircraft S. repeat as before.

As soon as Fox calls "Clear of Runway” Control is to instruct How to land and Sugar to take up the appropriate station.

[page break]

[underlined] R/T PROCEDURE – Continued. [/underlined]

N.B. If aircraft of more than one Squadron are under R/T Control at same time, or if aircraft is in communication with any station other than base – the aircraft letter will always be preceeded [sic] by the call-sign.

“Hullo Jessop, this is Brasenose H-Haw – Over.”

If enemy aircraft are actually in the vicinity the word “Bandit” is to be added to all messages.



“R/T procedure,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/35277.

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