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Large group of actors. In the centre on his throne is the seated Emperor. Several men dressed as women are playing chorus girls wearing hats, bras and pants.

Three actors kneeling and four standing. There are several men dressed as women. One man is wearing a dark suit and bow tie. The others are wearing Chinese conical hats.

Grand Christmas Panto poster, Stalag Luft 3. 1942. It features a magic lamp, drawings of the cast with their names, a reference to 'The Cosmo Politan Girls' with three dancing girls. Produced by Rolan Evans. Book by R.D.I. Mogg. Music & Lyrics by…

A man standing holding a clarinet with a second man seated behind a grand piano.

A conductor stands on a podium directing the orchestra. They are seated on stage with a variety of instruments

A man in dinner jacket and bow tie is seated beside a grand piano on the stage.

The conductor and orchestra are facing the camera. Two airmen are standing on the right of the photograph.

A violinist is standing on the stage and behind him the pianist seated behind a grand piano.

The conductor is dressed in dark suit with a buttonhole. Behind him a pianist is seated at a grand piano.

Pianist dressed in dark suit is playing a grand piano on the stage.

A scene featuring two male actors in evening dress, one with top hat and one wearing a 'bald' wig. The 11 dancing girls are men dressed as women. The backdrop is an abstract scene.

A struggle between three characters, a man in a dinner jacket and a 'bald' wig, and two men dressed as women, one in a long dress and one in bra and pants. The backdrop is abstract. There is a long wooden table on the stage.

A line of 12 actors dressed in black suits, top hats and holding canes in their right hands. The backdrop is a curtain.

11 men dressed as women. The central character is wearing a long dress and is holding it out. The 10 dancing girl characters are wearing short dresses and bonnets. They are standing cross-legged and linking their arms. The backdrop is a curtain.

A man in flannels and shirt is being held by a man dressed as a woman wearing a short top and short shorts. There are two deckchairs on the stage and a backdrop of a garden.

Eight men dressed as women seated at two tables. Three other female characters and eight men are standing in a row behind them. The backdrop is an abstract painting.

A man in evening dress is standing holding the hand of a man dressed as a woman in a long dress. He is holding the dress out with his other hand. The backdrop is a curtain.

The leading lady is surrounded by two rows of dancing girls. The front row is kneeling, the back row standing. All are men dressed as women. The backdrop is a curtain.

Group of men and men dressed as women arranged at the sides of the band. The band are seated behind music stands. The band leader is standing at the back. The backdrop is cartoons of bandsmen.

A man dressed as a woman on the stage. He is wearing a mid-length skirt and a fur top. Behind him is an abstract backdrop of London with 'Guinness', 'Underground', the statue of Eros, traffic lights and Belisha beacons.

Two men dressed as dancing girls. They are holding hands and are cross-legged. They are wearing short skirts, halter tops and bonnets. The backdrop is a curtain.

Three men, two dressed as women holding hands. The man is wearing a white dinner jacket and bow tie. The female characters wear long dresses and are holding the hems out with their other hands. The backdrop is a curtain.

Four actors are seated on a bench, four are on seats and five are seated on the stage. The group is mostly men dressed as women. Behind is a backdrop of a garden.

Two men dressed as a bride and groom on stage. They are linking arms and the bride has a floral bouquet.

Five men working on the stage. One man is lying down one is partly up a set of portable stairs, one is carrying a plank. Two are looking off stage. They are watched by a man dressed for the play and a man dressed as a woman. The backdrop is the back…
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