Browse Items (9 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1984"

Left page:
Top left - view down lane of a small house on the left and a woman walking on the right.
Bottom left - view of parts of a stone barn on the right and house on the left.
Top right - b/w image of a stone filled-in Norman arch.

Left page:
Top - view across a field of a hillside with trees. Top of building visible middle left.
Bottom - view across countryside of a farm complex in middle distance. Rolling hills behind.
Captions on spine top - 'The Mill' bottom 'Coln…

Student pilots progress book for E D Leaviss, covering the period from 17 September 1984 to 21 September 1984. Detailing his flight taken as a refresher course at London gliding club Dunstable. Aircraft flown was Schliecher K21.

Left page:
Top - view down a lane with stone wall on the left, of a stone barn on right with house beyond.
Bottom - view down and lane with stone wall on the right of a house in the distance.
Caption on spine 'Winson 1984'.
Right page:
Top -…

Top page:
Top left - view up of wooden roof beams.
Top right - view across lawn of a large three storey house with hedge in front. Other buildings off to the left,
Bottom left - b/w image of a large three storey house with small stone outbuilding…

Left page:
Top - view of church yard with church on left and houses on right.
Bottom - view of several stone houses in hamlet.
Captions down spine from top to bottom: '1984, 'School', 'Winson'.
Right page:
Captions down spine from top to bottom:…

Top left - close up of stone pavement.
Top right - tall stone wall by side of road.
Bottom left - stone pathway.
Bottom right - enclosure with stone wall and wooden gate.
Captions on spine: '1984' and 'Winson'.
Right page; photographs mounted…

Top page:
Top left - view across rolling farmland.
Top right - view across harvested field with copse in distance.
Bottom left - view across open countryside.
Bottom right - hillsides with stone wall and small copse of trees.
Caption bottom…

Left page:
Top - view through wrought iron gate of a stone church/chapel.
Bottom - several graveyard monumental tombs with stone building in the background.
Right page:
Captions on spine from top to bottom: '1984'. 'Winson 1984'.
Top left - top…
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