Browse Collections (1857 total)

Dirks, Heino

One oral history interview with Heino Dirks (b.1922), a German firefighter at Jever airbase.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive…

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Pfeifer, Charly


One interview with Karl Wilhelm Pfeifer (b. 1941), a schoolboy in Betzdorf an der Sieg during the war. The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital…

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Derrington, Arnold Pearce

Two oral history interviews with Dr Arnold Pearce Derrington DFC (- 2016, 187333 Royal Air Force), a navigator with 462 and 466 Squadrons.


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Farmer, Vic


An oral history interview with Vic Farmer (-2022), a navigator with 550 Squadron. The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

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Anderson, William


Two items. An oral history interview with Flying Officer William Leslie Milne Anderson (1925 - 2018, 196733 Royal Air Force), and one photograph. …

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Nocchieri, Franco

One oral history interview with Franco Nocchieri, who recollects his wartime experiences in Pavia and Voghera.

The collection was catalogued by…

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Foster, Raymond Norman Percy


15 Items. The collection concerns Sergeant Raymond Norman Percy Foster (1920-1943, 545719 Royal Air Force). He was a flight engineer with 49 Squadron…

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