Evans, Eric


Evans, Eric
E Evans


Two items. An oral history interview with Warrant Officer Eric Evans (1923 - 2017, 2211558 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a rear gunner with 463 Squadron but also served as a Captain in the Royal Tank Regiment. Also includes a letter from prisoner of war senior British Officer to Russian authorities.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Eric Evans catalogued by Nigel Huckins.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Evans, E

Collection Items

Communication from senior British officer (SBO) to Russian authorities
States the situation of British in camp that the Russian authorities were responsible for the administration and security of he camp. Mentions responsibility for work in camp, the food situation being precarious, overcrowding due to influx of Italian…

Interview with Eric Evans
Eric Evans was born in 1923 in Liverpool and was 16 years old when war broke out. He served in the Royal Air Force, serving with 463 RAAF Squadron, starting from the rank of sergeant and rising to a warrant officer on leaving the service, before…
View all 2 items

Collection Tree

  • Evans, Eric