Price, Arthur Phillip
Price, Arthur Phillip
Price, PA
90 items including two photograph albums in sub-collections. The collection concerns Flight Sergeant Arthur Phillip Price (572090 Royal Air Force) and contains photographs, documents and correspondence. He served as ground personnel with 619 Squadron and was killed 9 June 1943 while on an air test.
Price, Arthur Phillip. Album 1
Price, Arthur Phillip. Album 2
The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by John Barnes and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.
Additional information on Arthur Price is available via the IBCC Losses Database.
Price, Arthur Phillip. Album 1
Price, Arthur Phillip. Album 2
The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by John Barnes and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.
Additional information on Arthur Price is available via the IBCC Losses Database.
IBCC Digital Archive
This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and
Price, AP
Collection Items
Top - distant view of a biplane twin engine bomber parked outside hangars.
Bottom left - front quarter view of a Martin Baker MB2 aircraft on ground with two men on port wing.
Bottom right - front quarter view of a Sunderland parked outside a…
Bottom left - front quarter view of a Martin Baker MB2 aircraft on ground with two men on port wing.
Bottom right - front quarter view of a Sunderland parked outside a…
Top left - man up step ladder working on a bi-plane in a hangar.
Top right - view inside the two pilot cockpit of an aircraft. captioned 'Oxford'.
Bottom left - rear quarter view of an Anson parked outside a hangar. Captioned 'Anson'.
Top right - view inside the two pilot cockpit of an aircraft. captioned 'Oxford'.
Bottom left - rear quarter view of an Anson parked outside a hangar. Captioned 'Anson'.
Vickers Wellesley
Top left - front quarter view of a Wellesley parked on grass airfield. Captioned 'Long range Wellesley, Cranwell 1939'.
Top right - Wellesley coming in to land on grass airfield with hangars in the distance.
Bottom left - front view of a Wellesley…
Top right - Wellesley coming in to land on grass airfield with hangars in the distance.
Bottom left - front view of a Wellesley…
Crashed aircraft and Oxford
Top - broken rear fuselage of a crashed aircraft. Captioned 'KLM airliner crashed Rhatra Wells, Arabia'.
Bottom - front quarter view of an Oxford parked with engines running and man in cockpit window. Captioned 'Oxford'.
Bottom - front quarter view of an Oxford parked with engines running and man in cockpit window. Captioned 'Oxford'.
RAF aircraft and tug-of-war team
Top left - tug of war team picking up rope. Captioned 'C Sqd tug team 1938'.
Top right - View from below of formation of four Hawker Harts. Captioned 'Harts'.
Bottom left - front quarter view of a Sunderland airborne over open countryside.…
Top right - View from below of formation of four Hawker Harts. Captioned 'Harts'.
Bottom left - front quarter view of a Sunderland airborne over open countryside.…
RAF Aircraft
Top left - air-to-air view of a formation of four Wellingtons in echelon over open countryside. Captioned 'Wimpy'.
Top right - air-to-air view from front looking down on airborne Handley Page Harrow. Captioned 'Harrow'.
Bottom left - air-to-air…
Top right - air-to-air view from front looking down on airborne Handley Page Harrow. Captioned 'Harrow'.
Bottom left - air-to-air…
Aircraft and RAF Penhold
Top left - formation of five Boulton Paul Overstrands airborne in line abreast. Captioned 'BP Overstrands'.
Top right - view across open ground of two, two storey buildings. Captioned 'Penhold 1941'.
Bottom left - view of four Oxford aircraft…
Top right - view across open ground of two, two storey buildings. Captioned 'Penhold 1941'.
Bottom left - view of four Oxford aircraft…
People and Red Deer Canada
Top left - full length image of a couple in civilian dress standing either side of a boy in school uniform.
Top right - a person on a toboggan sliding down a track with trees on left. Captioned 'Red Deer Dec 1941'.
Bottom left - view down snow…
Top right - a person on a toboggan sliding down a track with trees on left. Captioned 'Red Deer Dec 1941'.
Bottom left - view down snow…
Top left - full length image of a couple with young boy in shorts standing between them. Captioned '1937'.
Top right - two airmen, one with sergeant rank, both wearing tunics standing either side of a young man in civilian dress. Captioned 'Bashaw…
Top right - two airmen, one with sergeant rank, both wearing tunics standing either side of a young man in civilian dress. Captioned 'Bashaw…
RAF College Cranwell
Top left - view down the side of a barrack block with another to the right.
Bottom left - view of distant barrack blocks and huts across a field.
Right - view through the gates of College Hall, RAF Cranwell. Captioned 'RAF College Cranwell 1937'.
Bottom left - view of distant barrack blocks and huts across a field.
Right - view through the gates of College Hall, RAF Cranwell. Captioned 'RAF College Cranwell 1937'.
Top left - two men wearing blazers and slacks shaking hands while standing on stone steps. Captioned 'Tommy and Wilkie'.
Top right - seven airmen wearing tunics standing by a brick building. Caption unreadable.
Bottom left - a man wearing pullover…
Top right - seven airmen wearing tunics standing by a brick building. Caption unreadable.
Bottom left - a man wearing pullover…
Parades and people
Top left - view of a band in front of large parade of airmen. Flag pole on left and buildings in the distance. Captioned 'Band on church parade'.
Top right - parade marching with airman in foreground and building on left. Captioned 'Marching to…
Top right - parade marching with airman in foreground and building on left. Captioned 'Marching to…
Arthur Phillip Price
Full length image of ab airman wearing greatcoat and peaked cap. Captioned 'Myself 1938'.
A full length image of an airman wearing great coat and peaked cap standing on road. Captioned 'Wilkie 1938'.
Hockey group
Group of man wearing sports kit sitting and standing in a field. Man of right wears RAF uniform tunic. Captioned 'Hockey group, Cranwell 1937'.
Airmen at RAF Cranwell
Top left - three airmen wearing tunics standing on grass with trees either side. Captioned 'Cranwell 1940'.
Bottom left - a group of airmen wearing tunics sitting and standing by a brick building. Captioned Cranwell 1937'.
Right - portrait of eight…
Bottom left - a group of airmen wearing tunics sitting and standing by a brick building. Captioned Cranwell 1937'.
Right - portrait of eight…
The "Coronation" Scot
Left - front quarter view of a steam locomotive.
Right front view of a steam locomotive.
Captioned 'The "Coronation" Scot, 1937'.
Right front view of a steam locomotive.
Captioned 'The "Coronation" Scot, 1937'.
Top - young boy in shorts standing by tennis net. Captioned 'Pete 1933'.
Bottom left - woman wearing skirt, blouse and hat waling on a path. Captioned '1937'.
Bottom right - two men, one wearing blazer and slacks the other a suit standing in…
Bottom left - woman wearing skirt, blouse and hat waling on a path. Captioned '1937'.
Bottom right - two men, one wearing blazer and slacks the other a suit standing in…
Left - couple and a boy on pathway with trees shrubbery either side. Captioned 'Dad, Mum and Pete 1937'.
Right - an older man wearing suit and tie with cane in hand standing in by brick house.
Right - an older man wearing suit and tie with cane in hand standing in by brick house.
Woman and boy
Woman wearing a skirt and blouse standing alongside a boy in shorts. To the left a lattice fence. Captioned 'Pete and Joan, 1936'.
Left - an older man wearing suit and tie sitting on wall in front of a house. Captioned '1941'.
Right - three-quarter length view of a man wearing civilian jacket standing in a garden. Captioned '1941'
Missing photographs were captioned 'Mum' and…
Right - three-quarter length view of a man wearing civilian jacket standing in a garden. Captioned '1941'
Missing photographs were captioned 'Mum' and…
Left - man wearing protective dust coat standing by door of a twin engine aircraft. Captioned 'George Blower, Cranwell'.
Right - eleven airmen wearing tunic and side caps standing in front of a building. Captioned 'Inst section Cranwell 1941'.
Right - eleven airmen wearing tunic and side caps standing in front of a building. Captioned 'Inst section Cranwell 1941'.
Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap. Captioned' 1941'.
A missing photograph was captioned 'Avro Anson'.
A missing photograph was captioned 'Avro Anson'.
Top - an airman wearing tunic with side cap stands alongside a boy in shorts and a man wearing civilian jacket and tie. In the background houses. Captioned 1940.
A missing photograph was captioned 'Myself 1938'.
Bottom left - a man and a woman…
A missing photograph was captioned 'Myself 1938'.
Bottom left - a man and a woman…
Collection Tree
- Price, Arthur Phillip