Dixon, G W


Dixon, G W
Dixon, Geoffrey Walter


Four items. The collection concerns Flying Officer Geoffrey Walter Dixon (1922 - 1974, 1451238 Royal Air Force) and contains his log books, a photograph and dog tags. He flew as an instructor.

The collection has been loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Adrian Dean Dixon and catalogued by Trevor Hardcastle.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Dixon, GW

Collection Items

Geoffrey Walter Dixon
A head and shoulders portrait of Geoff Dixon in sergeants uniform with pilots brevet. On the reverse 'Geoffrey Walter Dixon born 11.12.1922 died: 4.8.1974.'

Geoff Dixon's pilot's flying log book. Two
Flying log book for Geoffrey Walter Dixon covering the period from 23 June 1942 to 2 May, 1943. Detailing his flying training. Includes various certificates, a telegram, Air Ministry Release of Log Books procedure and a photograph of G W Dixon in…

Geoff Dixon's pilot's flying log book. One
Geoff Dixon's first log book, from 9th March 1942 to 26 June 1942 as he began his flight training in Canada at the No 4 Elementary Flying Training School RCAF Windsor Mills, Quebec.

Geoffrey Dixon's identity disks
Three views of Geoffrey Dixons identity disks on a string.
View all 4 items

Collection Tree

  • Dixon, G W