L Kirrage's flying log book for navigators, air bombers. air gunners and flight engineers



L Kirrage's flying log book for navigators, air bombers. air gunners and flight engineers


Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers for LG Kirrage, flight engineer, covering the period from 9 May 1944 to 5 July 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Ricall and RAF Melbourne. He flew a total of 36 operations with 10 squadron, 18 Daylight and 18 Night operations. Targets were, Foret-de-Nieppe, Tirlemont-Gossencourt, Brest, Homberg-Heerbeck, Le Havre, Scholven, Kelsenkirchen, Keil, Boulogne, Neuss, Calais, Cleve, Essen, Cologne, Bochum, Munster, Hagen, Soest, Osnabruck, Bingen, Mulheim, Hanau, Saarbrucken, Magdeburg, Stuttgart, Mainz, Bonn, Goch, Wanne Eickel, Chemnitz and Wesel. His pilot on operations was Flight Lieutenant Grant. L Kirrage was the flight engineer in Flight Lieutenant Grant's crew and flew with Robert McClements.



One booklet


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Great Britain. Royal Air Force, “L Kirrage's flying log book for navigators, air bombers. air gunners and flight engineers,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed June 3, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/10067.

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