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  • Tags: service vehicle

Three photographs, first badly damaged vehicle, second small ship in a harbour, third Jeep towing a loaded trailer parked on a quay, bungalows on stilts in background.

Three photographs, first two individuals posing with Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background, second the Grand mansion on Mount Sophia Singapore, third soldier posed on bumper of military vehicle outside a building.

Two photographs, first individual posing with military vehicle in front of a building, second is of two individuals posing with a Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background.

A port side view of a Stirling, MG-M' being loaded with bombs. Three more Stirlings are lined up behind.

Group in front of an ambulance. Five woman in front row, five men and two women standing behind and one man in the driving seat of the ambulance. Behind right a brick building with sign 'Traffic Office' to the left workshop buildings. On the reverse…

Seven ground crew working on a Wellington. A bomb with a message in Polish is about to be loaded. The image is captioned 'Saint Jean de Luz'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Seven ground crew standing in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse is a typed comment about a Rhodesian squadron bombing marshalling yards. Three of the ground crew are named.

Seven airmen, four with no shirts sitting in a group on grass. Another airman walks behind them. In the background two B-24s with lorries alongside. Foreground left top, guns from the rear turret of a B-24. Another B-24 in the distance and parts of…

Seven airmen grouped in front of their aircraft with three ground crew sitting on the wing. A refuelling truck is present.
Information supplied with the collection states 'The crew in the Autumn of 1943, at Tholthorpe; Standing left to right Bomb…

Mosquito and 7 RAF Personnel (2 in life jackets) gathered together around a 4000lb HC Bomb with the legend Kiel. May 2nd 1945 written on it in chalk, submitted with the caption; “Believed to be the last bomb dropped on Germany carried out by 608…

Seven airmen are standing in a line in front of a lorry. The ground is snow covered. On the reverse 'Taken in Germany at Fassberg 26/2/47'.

Seven Airmen and Halifax MZ282'Sweet Adeline' AL-A'. On the bomb is written '1000th Sortie. Don't give up Adolph there's more coming. The Bison Squadron'.
On the nose is 16 bombs and 'Sweet Adeline'.
It is annotated 'PL-29631'.

Seven airmen dressed in flying kit and sitting on bombs on the bomb trolley. Behind is their Lancaster.
The crew members are identified 'Des Egan, Rocky Owen,George Warren, Steve Quinn, Self, Bill Williams, Dave Menzies'.
Additional information…

Seven airmen, four with no shirts sitting in a group on grass. Another airman walks behind them. In the background two B-24s with lorries alongside. Foreground left top, guns from the rear turret of a B-24. Another B-24 in the distance and parts of…

Seven aircrew all wearing Mae Wests sitting on a bomb trolley with part of an aircraft in the background.

Seven aircrew, three wearing flying jackets the others battledress, standing in line in front of a Lancaster with a 4000lb HC bomb behind them. Captioned' W.A. Colson DFM'. Submitted with caption 'William Colson with Lanc Crewe [sic] 9 Squadron'.…

Three RAF and one Naval men in uniform examining a sea mine on a trolley. An open box is strapped to one end of the mine and three circular objects are resting on top of the mine close to the box. The trolley has 'LS 45' on the side and '4 PL AIN' is…

Two versions of the same strip (b/w and colour) with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 captioned 1954 on road to Bishop's Stortford-Colchester, at Blue Gate and Gate House of Easton Lodge'. On the left a brick post on side of a road. A wooden fence…

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Joyce and her MT divers "joined in" on sports day GD 45/6?'. Six women, one on left in uniform, the others in civilian dress, four standing two sitting by the cab of…

Top left a horse drawn cart with a woman and children aboard stands by a roadside. A man stands to the right of the rear wheel. In the background trees.

Top right an airman kneeling stroking a baby goat with his right hand and smoking a cigarette.…

Two images of airmen on parade. The king and a group of officers are presenting awards to airmen. Behind are Lancaster Mk 2s and Halifaxes.
The second image is annotated 'PL-31688'.

Royal Palace of Naples and Piazza del Plebiscito. In front are military vehicles and several pedestrians.

A line up of four armoured vehicles with RAF roundels on their roofs.

An armoured car with a large RAF roundel on the roof. Behind is a low rounded hill.
In a second image an airman is standing beside the vehicle.
The vehicle has 'Relentless' painted on the front.
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