Browse Items (475 total)
- Tags: service vehicle
Aircrew climbing into vehicles
Tags: aircrew; service vehicle
Aircrew mounting transport
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Tags: aircrew; service vehicle
Aircrew sitting next to bomb and damage to Lancaster
Aircrew Transport
On the reverse 'Crew 'bus' Tholthorpe Going out to aircraft for ops 1944' and 'Photo Reg [indecipherable]' and 'Tholthorpe'.
Tags: aircrew; hangar; RAF Tholthorpe; service vehicle
Aircrew waiting by lorry
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital…
Tags: aircrew; service vehicle
Aircrew with bomb trolley in front of Lancaster
Tags: aircrew; bomb trolley; dispersal; Lancaster; pilot; service vehicle
Aircrew with Lancaster
- one of aircrew at night, being collected or dropped off at the dispersal.
- second, also at night, is of a crew in flying gear gathered around entrance door of Lancaster (W4964 squadron code WS).
Tags: 9 Squadron; aircrew; Lancaster; service vehicle
Aircrew, WAAFs and Lancaster
There is a second copy with, on the reverse, '49 Sq MT Section'.
Airman and ambulance
Tags: ground personnel; service vehicle
Airman and Bedford QL lorry
Tags: ground personnel; service vehicle
Airman and bomb trolley underneath a Halifax
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form.…
Airman and child
Tags: aircrew; service vehicle
Airman and child
Tags: aircrew; service vehicle
Airman and lorry
Tags: aircrew; service vehicle
Airman and RAF Lorry
A second photograph has him leaning on the front of the same lorry. On the reverse is stamped 'MAAF RAF Camera Club Serial NE…
Tags: service vehicle
Airman and the Mother Huff Cap Inn
Tags: service vehicle
Airman in front of Wellington
Airman standing by lorry
Tags: service vehicle
Airman writing
Tags: aircrew; service vehicle
Top left centre - half length image of two airmen wearing battledress. The one on the left has pilot's brevet and peaked cap.
Top centre right - four…
Tags: aircrew; pilot; RAF Riccall; service vehicle
#1 Two airmen standing by a field.
#2 One airman standing in front of a hut.
#3 Two airmen sitting ona promenade railing.
#4 Four men sitting on a tractor.
#5 One man sitting on a Fordson tractor.
Tags: aircrew; service vehicle; tractor