Browse Items (223 total)

  • Tags: searchlight

A breakdown of becoming part of a bomber crew and what happened on an operation.

Painting depicting a Wellington with starboard engine on fire, coned by searchlights. A crewman is bailing out on the right. Behind is a Me 110 attacking Wellington and another unidentified aircraft further back. Submitted with caption 'Loss of Fg…

Relates early life and employment before the war. Was RAF reserve and was called up at beginning of the war. Mentions training including operational training unit before joining 9 Squadron. Includes letter describing in some detail his first…

Photograph of night view with vehicles and people on ground with searchlight looking up. Building on left (control tower) has people on balcony. Captioned 'after the raid: the station commander of a Bomber Command station watches the return of his…

Sketch of a Lancaster dropping bombs, amidst searchlights, cloud and smoke. Each bomb is labelled with the crew member's names 'F/Sgt Turner, F/Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass and Sgt Osterloh'. Below the sketch is a…

A certificate awarding Sergeant Bird and crew the best night photographs for July 1944. The artwork comprises the outline of a Wellington, Flak bursts, searchlights and bomb explosions. It is signed by a Squadron Leader.

A certificate awarding Sergeant Bird and crew the best night photographs for June. The artwork comprises a large bomb with the citation written in it, and the outline of a Wellington, stars, searchlights and a port. On the opposite page is a…

Printed notes and circuit diagrams for Searchlight Control radar.

Outline map of England and north west Europe. Shows separate routes to Ludwigshafen on 5 January 1945 and Osterfeld on 11 December 1944. Both operations by day. Includes bomb load for both. On the reverse note 'Captain's of a/c map belonging to Ron…

A poster showing an aircraft with firing on a searchlight with two guns from a Rose turret. Captioned 'Rose Brothers Present Turret Type 'R'.'

Instruction for using searchlights to help aircraft home to either a night fighter sector or other selected airfield.

Target photograph showing light glare and tracer. Captioned '3059 HLM 24/25.3.44//NT 8", 218 degrees 22.36, BERLIN RD, S, 5x4 5x30, 30 SECS, F/L DAVIES, U78'. On the reverse 'Easier than our first raid on Berlin, Coned by searchlights. Only few small…

Top - ground level photograph showing anti-aircraft tracer and searchlights with buildings silhouetted at the bottom. Submitted with description 'Night-time photograph of what appears to be searchlight and anti-aircraft artillery activity. Date and…

Target Mailly-le-Camp attacked by Lancasters. Covers weather forecast, plan of attack, total number of sorties, narrative of attack, day reconnaissance, enemy defences air and ground, enemy aircraft destroyed, casualties, target details, route,…

Starts with account of operation to Paris on 3 May 1944 when attacked by Me 109 and writes of crew actions. Continues with list of operations giving details of target, anti-aircraft fire, flight time, some bomb loads, events, results. From 3 August…

Blue file cover. Top a b/w copy of 153 Squadron badge. Note with title name and born 14 November 1921. Shot down and killed by a German fighter 28 January 1945. Underneath a painting of a Lancaster , letters 'P4-O' airborne dropping bombs.…

Map showing north Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, part of Belgium and France. Goes east to include Poland and parts of Lithuania. Symbols on map with legend on reverse. Symbols are of German air force aviation objects and defensive systems.

Account of attack by night fighter and subsequent crash on 2 December 1943 at Trebbin of Ernest Tansley's Lancaster. Plans of crash site and notification of where parts of the aircraft landed. Description of photos (not included). Includes eye…

Includes particulars of meritorious service of Flight Sergeant Dunmore and mentions 32 operations, including daylight sortie to Danzig. Goes on to describe actions when coned by searchlight which helped pilot recover aircraft from dive.

A logbook covering the period 7th October to 26th November 1943 (73 pages)

Two vertical aerial photographs of Duisberg. Two operations in 24 hours to the same location. The caption comments on the large number of ' "scarecrows" sent up by the Hun'.
Photo 1 is a daylight image with all the details obscured by explosions…

Two vertical aerial photographs from an album.
Photograph one, Frankfurt at night, is indecipherable. Captioned 'a brilliant spectacle of searchlights, flak sparks and puffs, glowing incendiaries and target indicators'.
Photograph two is taken…
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