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  • Tags: recruitment

Second version of a brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest. Slight amendment to…

Brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest.

A record of the results of Malcolm Staves' medical.

List of items to be brought by ACW2 Nicholls on reporting for draft to reception depot.

Twenty RAF personnel all wearing tunics standing in line with St Bernard dog in front on left. Basil Harrington stands in the centre holding gloves. In the background an RAF mobile cinema. On the reverse 'Recruiting with the team, mobile cinema and…

Nine RAF personnel all wearing tunic standing in line. A mayor ins third from left and Basil Harrington is fourth from left holding leash of St Bernard dog. In the background RAF lorries. On the reverse 'Recruiting West Country 1951'.

Photograph shows Basil Harrington shaking hands with an officer wearing battledress. Between them is a flight sergeant. map on wall in background. Text below reports Basil Harrington recruiting officer at Southampton hands over to Flying Officer C A…

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Advice to improve mathematics training prior to call up.

Sam's attestation paper on joining the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Three verse poem about the WAAF recruit process.

Delayed entry to service until called forward. In meantime remain in reserves with no pay or allowances.

Bill Parry's notice to join the RAF Volunteer Reserve and Certified Copy of Attestation.

Form 1866 completed by John with his personal details.

Detailed notes about what is expected from candidates for the RAF Volunteer Reserve.

RAF Form 2168, a notice enlisting Alf Morrill in the RAF Volunteer reserve.

RAF Form 2168 notice paper issued to John Mansell.

RAF Form 2168 completed by Arthur Mace.

RAF Form 2168 issued to volunteers.

Dick's part completed attestation form.

Information for candidates including age limits, nationality, education, classes ineligible, residence in UK, serving in other branches, selection and medical, period of engagement, rank, liabilities, service with foreign power, discharge, training,…

RAF Form 2150 issued to Dick Rooke.

RAF Form 2022 signed by JHP Dwyer

Nine RAF personnel standing in a group with Flight Lieutenant Basil Harrington, third from left, shaking hands with mayor. In the background RAF lorries. On the reverse 'RAF Recruiting Team 1951'.

Twp photographs of the RAF Reception Depot at West Drayon, from an album. They are captioned on the image.
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