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  • Tags: military living conditions

Just arrived at new station which he says is extremely muddy. Speculates on getting a 48 hour pass when he had accumulated sufficient flying hours. Mentions being close to Gainsborough. Asks if she could send him a kit bag lock as he has a bag full…

Comments on family mail. Writes about lack of water at home. Complains about poor summer weather at St Athan. Mentions visit by senior officer. Exchanges gossip about girls.

Two views of a row of huts.

Don's bed and table at an RAF camp.

Catches up on mail received and mentions feeling bad about not writing to a friend. Asks her to get him a toothbrush and apologises for constantly asking for things and says he will pay for them. Complains that they could not get anything locally and…

Complains about lack of letters. Mentions having bank holiday off and tells story of colleague having girlfriend visit with a friend who he went out with. Describes girl and going for a meal and pictures. Tells story of their evening, night and next…

Writes about a flying bomb in Northampton. Mentions possible holiday/leave arrangements. Catches up with news of friends and correspondence. Mentions books sent. Asks for more writing materials. Mentions having scared off a girl from Weston.

Envelope is stamped 'RAF Censor 710'. Comments on letters crossing in the post and on the weather. Mentions that food and camp are good and on large size of camp cinema. Mentions not getting newspapers but now having wireless installed so they could…

Thanks her for letter and padlock. Says he was glad he had had a car as the basic training on engines came easily to him unlike many of his course mates. Writes a little about the organisation of the camp and his classes. Mentions classes in hangars,…

Writes about his colleagues going into Weston-super-Mare by bus. Mentions only getting late pass once a week. Writes a little about the local village. Talks about making friends with a French boy and describes him in detail. Writes about selling his…

Thanks her for letter card but says he does not have discs but is not in trouble over them. Comments on recent kit inspection and missing a groundsheet which he probably left at home. Writes about going into Weston and visiting the pier and describes…

Mentions that he has to study and take exams in maths, meteorology, morse code, aircraft recognition, gas, law, engine and armoury. Comments on rifle shooting and cross country running. Describes cinemas and describes films as awful. Mentions food…

Thanks her for food parcel and describes complicated procedure for registered mail. Writes about officer instructors and pay. Asks if she had received any allotment yet. Describes sleeping arrangements and the lack of facilities except small YMCA.…

Gives description of getting ready to depart from London to Newquay. Describes activity including getting dressed in uniform and equipment. Includes parading in the dark and being fed. Goes on to describe rail journey. Mentions that hotel was close…

Write that he had sent clothes home and asks that she lets him know of their arrival. Describes activities involved in sending parcel. Describes some of his duties and having to send more articles home. Concludes with some description of food…

Thanks her for recent 'tin of eats'. Especially appreciated as food at camps was worse and worse. Gives detailed description of cross country running and conditions in camp. Mentions and evening out to a beautiful house where he has a grand supper.…

Thanks her for parcel especially the chocolate. Catches up with news and gossip. Mentions passing exams with flying colours. Suggest that he might phone his father but is concerned about cost. Concludes saying he is trying to save cash to pay his…

Writes that he had just arrived at new camp after hazardous journey which he describes in detail. Mentions falling asleep on train and being woken by an SP who took a dim view of the whole affair.

Thanks her for letter and white flash. Writes of going to Cardiff to visit friends and describes activities. Says in spite of having a good time he would endeavour to gradually fade away from a girl as she was getting too serious. Mentions getting a…

Writes as he had just arrived an new camp and describes journey with stop over in London. Mentions that he had everything in his kitbag after thinking that he was missing some document. Asks her to tell his sister that he had received Illustrated and…

Thanks her for letter and razor blades. Comments on poor laundry on camp and that he was now using Chinese laundry in Weston and goes on to describe what he has to do. Enquires whether she could obtain enough cash and coupons to get him a good air…

Thanks her for the parcel of food and mentions letters being held up by censor. Catches up with family news and activities and mentions rationing of razor blades. Explains how to use post address correctly.

Catches up with recent family mail. Describes location as nothing but marsh, woods and fens. Writes about gramophone and hopes to get some Beethoven. Mentions plan to go to Gainsborough that afternoon and get a torch so he could see his way.

Thanks her for laundry parcel but could not find a letter in it. Comments on snowy weather in Lincolnshire. Notes lack of fuel and hot water on camp. Comments on his activities.

Writes of gong to theatre in Gainsborough and that the station had a poor excuse for a cinema, but mentions films seen. Comments on lack of news and talks of poor weather and base being a quagmire. Thanks her for sending papers and concludes with…
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