Browse Items (1624 total)

  • Tags: killed in action

List of Halifax, Wellington and Mosquito aircraft lost from 192 and 462 Squadrons from December 1943 to April 1945. Gives aircraft registration, date, description of incident, some with captain named.

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Seven coffins being lowered into graves by military and civilians at Vevey, Switzerland. The two photographs are the same but the second is captioned 'July 1943 "Our Crew" being laid to rest Semper Paratus'.

A list of aircrewmen who went missing or died on the 8th July 1942. The list includes Kenneth James Broderick. The document also shows where each aircrewman is commemorated.

The grave of six airmen. The pilot was Squadron Leader AL Collett, 83 Squadron.

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List of crew members, next of kin and addresses; captain [pilot] Sergeant K H McLean, flight engineer Sergeant S N Leigh, navigator Sergeant D H McLeod, air bomber Sergeant RWL Muir, wireless operator Sergeant R C Barrett, mid upper gunner Sergeant L…

An airman wearing tunic with half brevet sitting in the bow of a boat in reeds on the edge of a river. Captioned 'Jim, killed with Simon in April 1944'.

An airman standing in a garden with two storey brick house and swing behind. On the reverse 'Leslie Canada lost in R.A.F.'

Full length image of an airman wearing greatcoat and a side cap standing on grass with a Wellington in the background. On the reverse 'Rear gunner (killed when [....] burst into flames), possibly best rear gunner on 305 (P) Sqn and was also grandads…

Article concerning funeral of Sergeant G H Luxford who was killed in action on his 20th birthday. Gives some background. Includes photograph.

Full length image of an airman wearing battledress with half brevet standing by a black car. Submitted with caption 'Ross LOUGH Rear Gunner killed 25 July 1944'.

An airman wearing leather jacket with fur collar standing with hands in pockets. In the background a single storey hut with corrugated iron roof. On the reverse '"Jock" Walker, Rear Gunner, 1943, Later Killed'.

A newspaper cutting referring to the death and internment of John Law.

Left - view from behind of an airman wearing flying helmet looking back from the left hand seat in bomber cockpit. Captioned 'Skip'.
Centre - three-quarter length image of a pilot wearing tunic and side cap standing by a wall with trees in the…

14 coffins of RAF airmen a Vevey. Union flags are draped over them at the start of the funeral service. On the reverse 'Vevey 12/13 July 1943'.

Airmen and soldiers at the funeral of 14 Royal Air Force airmen at Vevey, Switzerland. The coffins are draped with many wreaths. On the reverse 'Vevey'.

Airmen and soldiers at the funeral of the two Lancaster crews at Vevey, Switzerland. In the foreground are the wreaths on top of the coffins. In the background tall trees and mountains. On the reverse 'Vevey-St. Martins 101 & 166 sqn funerals'.

Coffins with union flags and many wreaths are surrounded by mourners, two soldiers with drums, soldiers and two Royal Air Force officers.

Chaplains, Royal Air Force officers and airmen, Swiss military and civilians stand by the graveside. Behind are houses and mountains.

Many wreaths stacked beside open graves at the funeral of the Lancaster airmen.

Chaplain, mourners, Swiss military and Royal Air Force officer at the graveside for the funeral of the 14 airmen.

14 coffins with union flags. At the side are mourners

Head and shoulder studio portrait of Alan Ramsbottom, in uniform. On the reverse 'Alan Ramsbottom, Sergeant 1482867, Air Gunner 57 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Died Tuesday 20th March 1945, Age 22'.

Royal Canadian Air Force observer’s and air gunner’s log book for Sergeant Albert Victor Ansell from 25 October 1942 to 30 April 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at Pan American Airways navigation school…
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