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  • Tags: hangar

Photograph of 61 Squadron aircrew in four rows in front of a Lancaster. Aircrew are all in uniform and there is a hangar behind the Lancaster. Document contains some of the names of people in the photograph. Sergeant Reg Freeth is number 42 which is…

A large group of airmen arranged in four rows in front of a Lancaster.
On the reverse is a list of the 102 men with some of their names.
On a separate sheet is the same list.
On a third sheet is a list with some of the missing names.

Five rows of airmen and ground crew arranged in front and on top of a Lancaster at the entrance to a hangar.
On the reverse '1943/4 625 Sdn. Kelstern Lincs.'

81 aircrew, officers and non commissioned officers in four rows in front of a Hampden. Two engines are visible and behind is an open hangar door. On the reverse, names are underlined in red, green or both colours.

A large group of airmen in uniform sitting and standing in five rows in front of a Handley Page Heyford. In the background a Hangar, Submitted with caption '99 sqn B flight Mildenhall 1936'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in three rows with a dog in front of a Wellington parked outside a hangar. Submitted with caption '99 Sqn personnel with Wellington LN-O Waterbeach Oct '41 [Norman Didwell]'.Additional information kindly…

A Lincoln and a Varsity taken from the starboard side, looking across a barbed wire fence.

A Lincoln with an experimental nose. In the foreground a man is sitting with his back to the camera, on his left is an Alsatian dog. Behind him is a VW…

Oblique aerial photograph of a hangar with buildings attached and tower behind. In the distance behind houses. On the reverse 'A. V. Roe & Co Ltd, Experimental Station, Hamble, 1917 - 28, Crescent Studios, Fareham Hants, Neg No 21103 [...] 4,…

Large hangar with buildings including tower to the left. The name A. V. Roe & Co Ltd above slightly open hangar doors. A biplane with man by port wing on the right side by door opening. On the reverse '7 214/8/94, Hamble, 122 with arrows to the…


Formation of airmen marching past inside a hanger with reviewing party bottom left. Captioned 'A.V.M. Wade takes the salute Wing Co Redding leads the parade followed by F/O Pilgrim-Morris and yours truly. S/Ldr Tony Ingolby on right of the dais as…


Eleven photographs from an album.
Deep snow around the airfield.
Photo 3 is captioned 'Hangars slightly u/s'.
Photo 4 is two airmen standing behind a snow bank, captioned 'Up to the neck in snow'.
Photo 5 is a huge snow drift, captioned 'Typical…

Group portrait of 42 airmen in three rows standing at ease. Those in the front row are sitting on a bench with arms crossed and two sitting on the ground; most are wearing khaki drill tunics, shirts and ties and shorts and most have khaki drill side…

Film strip with four photographs.
First shows three men standing leaning against the wing of a de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide with hangar in the background.
Second shows five men leaning against the wing of a de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide …

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Top left - Lockheed Lodestar parked on airfield. Captioned 'T.C.A. plane'. Top left - Lockheed Lodestar parked on airfield with another aircraft behind to right. Middle left - cockpit and port engine of Lockheed Lodestar with maple leaf on nose.…

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Left page - top left - head on view of a parked Lincoln. Captioned 'Avro Lincoln'. Top right - side view of a parked four engine bomber. Both top images captioned 'KM-J, 44 (Rhodesia) Sq, RAF Mildenhall'. Bottom left 'front quarter view of a parked…

Top left shows a hangar under construction.
Top right shows a bi-plane standing on its nose with a broken propeller, with airmen standing around it. Another bi-plane can be seen in the background.
Bottom left shows bi-planes undergoing maintenance…

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Two images of an aircraft hangar with an administration building in front.
Information supplied with the collection identifies the airfield as Leeming.

Top left shows a hangar under construction. Other buildings and houses can be seen in the background.
Top right shows rows of bi-planes standing on the grass.
Bottom left shows aircraft under maintenance in an aircraft hangar.
Bottom right…

Three photographs, first is an air-to-air view of three Avro 504N biplanes flying near RAF Leuchars with River Eden estuary in distance.
Second is of a crashed aircraft, with the serial H 2975, captioned 'Avro 504N P/O Phillips killed "Kilmacolm"…

Top - a single engine high wing monoplane parked outside a hangar. Captioned 'Stinson Reliant at hangar No 3'.
Bottom left - view of a hangar with car front left with people, In the distance a flight-line with Stearman biplanes. Captioned 'Hangar no…

A group of airmen being transported to their aircraft on a lorry with a trailer.
On the reverse 'Crew 'bus' Tholthorpe Going out to aircraft for ops 1944' and 'Photo Reg [indecipherable]' and 'Tholthorpe'.

An oblique aerial photograph of the end of a runway and hangars on an airfield.

Two types of hangar that were installed at Elsham Wolds, J1 and T2.

A view towards hangars at an airfield.


Photograph 1 is of camouflaged brick buildings.
Photograph 2 is of airmen eating at rows of tables in a mess hall.
Photograph 3 is a head and shoulders portrait of an aircrew member on an aircraft.
Photograph 4 is of a man sitting reading in an…
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