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Six cloth badges from Denis' service
#1 Leading aircraftsman's badge
#2 Tropical eagle
#3 Engineer's brevet
#4 Observer brevet
#5 Corporal's stripes
#6 Sergeant's stripes

Under photograph of the seven crew at a north of England station, caption lists names. Back row (l to r) F/O J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) F/O T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sgt W R Docherty, flight engineer, Liverpool (6), Squadron…

Under photograph of the seven crew at a north of England station, caption lists names. Back row (l to r) Flying Officer J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) Flying Officer T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sergeant W R Docherty, flight engineer,…

Under photograph of crew a caption lists members including Flying Officer I J Hartley rear gunner from Folkestone. List includes Flying Officer J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) Flying Officer T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sergeant W R…

Albert Millson and crew leaving their Halifax. Between them the crew have completed 228 operational flights.

Albert Millsom and crew have completed 248 sorties. They have been awarded six DFCs and one DFM.

The seven man crew captained by AE MIllson photographed with each man's individual operations. These total 228.

Newspaper cutting relating describing how Sergeant George Fallon became the first Canadian flight engineer to win a DFM. He cut a hole in fuselage and crawled into the wing to repair a broken oil line and switch petrol tanks.

Steve Bond Bomber Command recordings and transcripts.pdf
List of 43 aircrew and two groundcrew covered in S Bond sub-collections.

Four Lancasters silhouetted by the setting sun. One nose is side on and two are front viewed. The fourth is behind and viewed from the side.
On the reverse is 'British Official Photograph. "T for Tommy makes a sortie". There is information about the…

Starts by stating that one of the most hazardous operations flown by bomber command were lone aircraft flying supplies to support resistance forces in occupied Europe. He recounts Richard Wensley's early life, joining ATC, training as a flight…

Richard Wensley’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 27th June 1943 until 28th September 1946. Posted to 1657 Conversion Unit and then 214 Squadron for operations. In November 1943 posted back to 1657 Conversion Unit.…

Head and shoulders portrait of a warrant officer wearing tunic with flight engineer brevet. Submitted with caption 'Wensley, Richard'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

A line of six airmen, one holding a Norwegian flag, and a Norwegian reporter, Laura.
On the reverse 'Honefoss, Norway May 10, 1945. Left to right (facing) Gordon Flt/Engr, me bomb aimer, Jack navigator, Don wireless op, Stan gunner, Laura, Ron…

Ten photographs.
#1 the box containing the badges posted to Idwal's family member.
#2 the box opened showing the badges inside.
#3 and 4, six brevets front and rear.
#5 RAF Warrant Officer's badges.
#6 and 7 Luftwaffe breast eagle.
#8 and 9…

Left page:
Members of the polo team with 11 in swimming attire and three in suits. A shield sits alongside the group.
Right page:
The crew of Lancaster ND 345.
Top: Flight Lieutenant Donald MacKay DFC, Pilot.
Second row, from left: Pilot…

Temporary orders and notices. It includes a New Year's message to all ranks, awards to airmen, award of explosive course, flight engineer leader's school, flying instructor courses, sport, Auster, Halifax and Lancaster notes and other equipment.

Top: Flight Lieutenant Donald MacKay DFC, Pilot.
Second row, from left: Pilot Officer Ronald Halperin DFC, navigator; Flight Officer James Moffat DFC, air gunner and Squadron leader Andrew Muir DFC, air gunner, wearing Sidcot suit.
Third row, from…

Idwal writes telling of his wartime experiences flying Stirlings with 620 Squadron. He was involved with dropping agents, Arnhem and the Rhine crossing of 1945. In particular he refers to an operation over Norway when they made a landing on an…

Will a flight engineer’s brevet on the first page. The recollections of Henry Sturrock of his time flying in the Halifax with No 640 Squadron at RAF Leconfield. He flew his first operation on 12 September 1944 and his last on 2 March 1945, he…

Seven airmen standing under their Halifax. Each man and position has been captioned on the photograph.

Flight engineer's brevet, RAF badge and both sides of Alf's identity discs.
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