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  • Tags: entertainment

Top left - blurred image of three actors on stage. Captioned 'E12 "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top right - Blurred image of two actors on stage. Captioned ' "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Second row left - two…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, the transport of food parcels, Emergency supplies for the camp, POW cooking, articles about Christmas in…

Top left - poster showing eight characters and dancing girls and title 'Aladdin - Stalag Luft 3, 1942'. Captioned 'D33 NCOs Panto "Aladdin" Stalag Luft 3, J[..}'.
Top right - two actors on stage sitting with mannequins across their knees. Captioned…

Top left - a blurred image of six actors on stage, Captioned 'D31 NCOs Panto "Aladdin" Stalag Luft 3, Jan'.
Top right - blurred image of a number of actors on stage. Captioned 'NCOs Panto "Aladdin" Stalag Luft 3, Jan 43'.
Second row left - a…

Top left - seven actors on stage four in rear and three kneeling in front. Six are wearing conical hats and a man in the centre front row a dinner jacket. Captioned 'D31 NCO's Panto "Aladdin", Stalag Luft 3 Jan'.
Top right - number of actors…

Top left - Full length view of four men dressed in cowboy outfits standing in front of wooden hut. Captioned 'B10 "Aubrey Goes West", Stalag Luft 1, 41'.
Top middle - two men dressed as cowboy and cowgirl standing in front of wooden hut. Captioned…

Top left - poster showing a man and a woman and title "Bums on Broadway". Captioned 'D9 poster for "Bums on Broadway"'.
Top middle - three actors on stage, two dressed in suits and the middle on in uniform with peaked cap. Captioned 'D19 "Bums on…

A programme for an ENSA show starring Elizabeth Kaye, Biddy O’Connor, Ann Dennis, Rita Massara, Joan Whitfield and Ken Noyle.

Top row left - blurred image of two actors on stage with window in the background. Captioned 'E33 "For the love of Mike", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top row right - blurred image of one actor standing over another who is sitting in an armchair. In the…

Top left - actor dressed as woman standing on stage. Captioned 'E10 "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top right - line of actors mostly dressed from as women with short skirts in line on stage. Captioned ' "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag…

Top middle - poster and cast list for 'Home and Beauty'. Captioned 'F1 show poster'.
Centre left - four actors on stage, two in uniform, one dressed as a woman, one in pyjamas. Captioned 'F2 "Home and Beauty", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'.
Centre right…

Top left - blurred image of five actors on stage in a variety of costumes. Captioned 'F8 "Home and Beauty", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'.
Top right - blurred image of two actors, one dressed as women embracing on stage. Captioned 'F7 "Home and Beauty",…

Top left - on stage, two actors dressed as women standing on the left and a man and woman sitting on the right. Captioned '[..] "Jack and the beanstalk", Stalag Luft 1, Xmas'.
Top right - head and shoulders image of two actors dressed in bonnets.…

A programme for the revue 'Let's Go Mad' presented by The Station Revue Company at RAF Boscombe Down.

Also included are a pass out and an invitation to a dance at RAF Stradishall.

Page titled 'Meet Mrs Mandon, Stalag Luft 3, Nov 1942'
Top left - Blurred image of fourteen men in two rows wearing a variety of civilian dress. Captioned '[..] "Meet Mrs Mandon", Stalag Luft 3. Nov'.
Top right - two actors, one in white waiters…

A group of airmen and civilians arranged in front and on the wing of a Lancaster. This is in the style of a squadron photograph and was taken during the filming of The Dam Busters film.

Top left - poster for the "Merchant of Venice". Captioned 'E20 show poster'.
Top right - five actors in medieval costume, two as women, all on stage. Captioned ' "Merchant of Venice", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'.
Centre left - two actors in medieval…

Top left - blurred image of two actors on stage dressed in medieval costume. Captioned 'E26 "Merchant of Venice", Stalag Luft 3, Apr'.
Top right - blurred image of three actors in medieval costumes on stage. Captioned ' "Merchant of Venice", Stalag…

Top left - a line of seven actors on stage - three dressed as women. In the background a wall with music score. Captioned 'F25 "Thru' the music sheet", Stalag Luft 3, June 43'.
Top middle - poster for show "Thru' the music sheet". Captioned 'F11…

Top left - blurred image of actors on stage. Captioned '[....] "Thru' the music sheet", Stalag Luft 3, June 43'.
Top middle - two actors in swimming trunks one balancing on knees of the other. Captioned 'F22 "Thru' the music sheet", Stalag Luft 3,…

Top - panoramic view, musicians in two groups either side of stage with conductor in the centre. Captioned 'F19 "Thru' the music sheet", Stalag Luft 3, June 43'.
Second row - panoramic view, eleven actors in a variety of costumes in line on stage.…

A newspaper cutting about a play put on by The Stage Club at the Victoria theatre, Singapore. On the reverse are adverts.

Fred's life story from early days sneaking downstairs to drink the dregs at his parent's public house, playing rugby and studying hard, becoming an accountant, learning to be an accurate rifle shooter then joining the RAF as a an air gunner. He…

A song to be sung to the tune of 'Sing me to Sleep' by a 17th Lancer. There are two verses and a chorus.
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