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  • Tags: bombing of Nagasaki (9 August 1945)

An enormous explosion is occurring above a built-up area. Buildings are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown into the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “HJROSHIMA E NAGASAKI 5-9 Agosto 1945.…

An enormous fireball is expanding above a built-up area, surrounded by rings of smoke. Building are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown up in the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “(2)… alla…

While fire is engulfing the town, a mushroom-shaped fire-ball and smoke rise into the sky.

Inscriptions read “312”; signed by the author; caption reads “(3)… Poi sopra la palla di fuoco, apparve una colonna incandescente di colore rosso…

Buildings and people (visible as stick figures at the bottom of the image) are engulfed in flames as a column of fire and smoke rises into the sky.

Inscriptions read “313” signed by the author; caption reads “(4)… Alla fine quella sorta di…

Buildings are engulfed in flames and a mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke and fire starts to expand over the town. Mass devastation is visible.

Inscriptions read “314” signed by the author; caption reads “(5)…E finalmente la sommità si aprì…

A mushroom cloud is prominent in the top of the painting with a smaller cloud lower down on a pillar of flame. Below that is a scene of mass devastation.

Inscriptions read “315” signed by the author; caption reads “(6)… Poi la testa del…

A man (USAF Crew member) pointing to the nose art on an USAF B-29 aircraft The Great Artiste. Nose art shows a smiling man in tails with Great Artiste above. This aircraft flew as an observation aircraft on Hiroshima and Nagasaki operations.…

Colour photograph of the nose of 'Bockscar', the USAF B-29 bomber that dropped the 'Fat Man' bomb over Nagasaki on 9 August 1945. With nose art of railway line with a rail boxcar with wings. Additional information about this item was kindly provided…

Colour photograph of the nose of an aircraft 'Bockscar' USAF B-29 bomber that dropped a bomb over Nagasaki on August 9th 1945. With nose art of railway line with a rail boxcar with wings. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by…

Group of clergy and service participants standing by an altar. Taken at a Christian communion service. Part of a religious service before either the Hiroshima or Nagasaki operations. Additional Information about this item was kindly provided by the…

Six shirtless United states Army Air Force crew standing in front of B-29 with nose art of a smiling man in tails, 'The Great Artiste' On the reverse 'Ground crew The Great Artiste' but not in Group Captain Leonard Cheshire's writing. This aircraft…

As a young boy, Robert Boocock had a part-time job delivering ladies’ hats. He was conscripted into the Air Force and, initially, trained to become a wireless operator. After completing his training, he was posted to 242 Squadron on Hurricanes and…

RAF personnel seated while singing a hymn at a Christian open air service, led by Chaplain William Downey. He led services before the Hiroshima and Nagasaki operations. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.
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