Browse Items (153 total)

  • Tags: bombing of Kassel (22/23 October 1943)

A newspaper article about the attack on Kassel. It is annotated 'No 16 22/10/43'.

This is a handwritten record book for 9 Squadron from 14/15 April 1943 to 10/11 November 1943.

For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, crews, a description of results, and if any did not return.

The last…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for A Woolley, flight engineer. Covering the period from 6 July 1943 to 25 June 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 1654…

Mr Alfred P's account of the events at Schäfergasse 5 and Gartenstraße 26.

Andreas H and Emma H's account of the events at Schomburgstraße 10 (Rheinischer Hof Hotel), Bahnhofstraße 19 and Lutherplatz 7.

Andreas N's account of the events at the City Cleaning Department, Franzgraben 85.

Anna A's account of the events at Hohenzollernstraße nos. 26 and 28, Hindenburg-platz.

Anna D's account of the events at Hohenzollernstraße nos. 137 ½ and 139, Wehlheider Straße 6.

Anna K's account of the events at Wittichstraße 49.

Anton J's account of the events at Kassel-Kirchditmold, Opferhof 3.

August Keppler's account of the events at Obere Karlsstraße 12/14 (Old Townhall, Public Welfare Office).

Auguste Bolte's account of the events at Renthof 4.

Auguste Müller's account of the events at Turmgasse 4/Königsplatz 36 ½ (Wiedersichscher Keller), Königsplatz.

Wright BC.pdf
Navigator’s air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for B C Wright, flight engineer, covering the period from 11 July 1943 to 29 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF St…

Mr Christian's account of the events at Moltkestraße 7.

Christine Wachsmuth's account of the events at Magazinstraße 4.

Miss Clara A's account of the events at Heckershäuser Straße 10 and Main Cemetery.
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