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- Tags: bomb trolley
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Sea mine on trolley
Three RAF and one Naval men in uniform examining a sea mine on a trolley. An open box is strapped to one end of the mine and three circular objects are resting on top of the mine close to the box. The trolley has 'LS 45' on the side and '4 PL AIN' is…
Tags: bomb trolley; bombing up; mine laying; service vehicle
Lancaster with Blockbuster bomb
A 12,000 lb Blockbuster bomb on a trolley in front of Lancaster JB144 KC-N. Caption: 'The bomb carried on the 15th September 1943 Dortmund Ems canal raid was the new 12,000 lb Blockbuster it was the largest bomb in the world at the time. The…
Lancaster, bombs and Jo Lancaster
Jo Lancaster wearing battledress sitting on a 4,000-lb HC bomb on trolley, with further trolley behind with incendiary cannisters, all in front of a parked Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'Jo Lancaster with Lancaster I W4366 PH-R and 4,000 lb…
Air crew sitting on a 4,000 pound bomb, with Lancaster
Seven airmen in uniform sitting on a bomb on a trolley next to a Lancaster. 'K2' painted on the side of the fuselage. Annotation: 'Air crew on a 1,000 pound bomb, with a Lancaster bomber'. [actually a 4,000 lb 'cookie']
Tags: aircrew; bomb trolley; Lancaster
Lancaster and bombs
Front quarter view of a parked Lancaster with bombs on trollies in front. Another aircraft in the distance behind. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster B.III PB707 BQ-L2 550 Sqn Norh Killingholme 1944-45' Additional information kindly provided by the…
Airman in front of Wellington
An airman wearing flying clothes with hands in pockets standing in front of a Wellington. Two bombs on trolley in long grass in the foreground. Submitted with caption 'Fg Off Don 'Pop' Elliott, navigator on 99 Sqn '39'40 at 24 OTU Honeybourne '44…
Four armourers
Four airmen one standing and the others sitting on a bomb trolley underneath a Lancaster.
Bombing up a Lancaster
Front quarter view of a Lancaster with several bomb trollies underneath and a bomb being hoisted into bomb bay while two ground crew conduct load with others looking on. Partial view of nose art.
Bombing up a Lancaster
Front quarter view of Lancaster with bomb being loaded by ground crew. Fuel bowser in front. Aircraft has devil nose art with words 'Nick the Nazi Neutralizer'. Gantry by port inner and an airman on top of wing.
Lancasters parked in snow
A row of five Lancaster parked with snow on the ground. A tractor on the left with bomb on trolley.
Tags: bomb trolley; bombing up; Lancaster; service vehicle; tractor
Seven airmen and two airwomen
Seven airmen and two women sitting on top of a vehicle with a Lancaster and another airman pulling a bomb trolley in the background.
Bombing up
Two airmen in the process of loading a bomb in bomb bay of a Lancaster.
Tags: bomb trolley; bombing; bombing up; service vehicle
Lincoln and bombs
Front view of Lincoln with MC bombs on trolley. An airman stands by trolley and a bicycle leans against port undercarriage.
Tags: bomb trolley; bombing up; Lincoln; service vehicle
Airmen working on Lancaster engine
A airman standing on top of wing of a Lancaster watching two airmen working on the port outer engine below. Another two airmen work on the propeller of the port inner engine. Aircraft has name 'Dumbo' on nose and three rows of operation symbols.…
100 not out
Seven airmen stand behind or sit on a 4000lb MC blockbuster bomb. Another airman is finishing adding words '100 not out' to the bomb. A senior (air commodore) RAF officer stands on the right watching. In the background the front of Lancaster R5868…
Tags: 467 Squadron; bomb trolley; Lancaster; RAF Waddington
Lancaster bombing up
Front view of a Lancaster with train of bomb trolleys. Two men loading bomb in open bomb bay.
Tags: bomb trolley; bombing up; Lancaster
Six airmen and a sergeant sitting on a bomb
Six airmen sitting on a 4000lb HC bomb mounted on a trolley with a sergeant sitting in front. In the background a Lancaster.
Three airman and bomb
Three airmen standing behind a 4000lb blockbuster bomb with a Lancaster in the background with squadron letters 'PO-L'. Bomb has names of ground crew with L love.
Lancaster bombing up
Side view of Lancaster R5868 with bombs on trolleys in front while several men loading and working on the aircraft. Caption 'One more for game. The veteran Lancaster, S for Sugar, which has completed 99 operational flights. her captains have gained a…
Lancaster on dispersal
Side view of Lancaster squadron letter 'KO-X' parked with bomb trolley and gantries on the left. Another aircraft in the distance behind. On the reverse '1944'. Two versions of this image,
Mike Squared - operational record holder
19 airmen, ground crew and dog watching the addition of a bar to the DFC on the nose of M squared, Lancaster. Some of the men are sitting on bombs waiting to be loaded. On the reverse - M2. Record aircraft in Bomber Command. Mike squared 103 Squadron…
Wellington bomber and Sallum Bay
Top right five uniformed men in short sleeves and shorts crouching in the shade under the body of a Wellington MkII. There is a ladder leaning against the nose of the aircraft and a bomb is underneath the fuselage. Middle left a pilot looking out of…
Bomb loading and David in position
First, five men work underneath the fuselage of a Halifax in to which bombs are being loaded. Three further men are working on the port wing of the aircraft. The aircraft is held in place by chocks on the wheels. Second, David in flying suit,…
Sitting on a blockbuster and a damaged Lancaster
Firstly, a man in uniform with sergeant's stripes and a brevet, wearing gloves, sat on a Cookie. The bomb is on a bomb trolley in an open field alongside an aircraft with buildings and hedgerow in the distance.
Second, David, second right, is sat…
Second, David, second right, is sat…
Tags: aircrew; bomb trolley; Lancaster; service vehicle
Lancaster Bombing Up
Front/port view of a Lancaster being loaded with bombs., watched by the aircrew.
Tags: aircrew; bomb trolley; bombing up; ground crew; Lancaster; nose art; service vehicle; tractor