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  • Tags: bomb trolley

Firstly, a man in uniform with sergeant's stripes and a brevet, wearing gloves, sat on a Cookie. The bomb is on a bomb trolley in an open field alongside an aircraft with buildings and hedgerow in the distance.
Second, David, second right, is sat…

Front/port view of a Lancaster being loaded with bombs., watched by the aircrew.

A port side view of Lancaster PO-S R5868 with a bomb load ready to be loaded.

Pilot Bob Halewood (right) and man named Mark standing in front of a laden bomb trolley with aircraft behind. Bob is wearing a non regulation scarf about his neck. Annotated on the reverse 'Bob Halewood (right) Mark (left)'; 'Bob Halewood + Mark'.…

Two airmen, one on the right wearing tunic with brevet and sergeant rank, the one on the left wearing battledress and smoking a cigarette sitting on bombs on bomb trolley under a Halifax.

Five airmen sitting on the ground in the shade from the rear fuselage of a Halifax. There is one bomb trolley under the port wing and another under the bomb bay. Step ladders and maintenance platforms in front of the port wing.

Side view of Halifax MZ540 PT-H parked on dispersal. Part of another aircraft in the background right. A bomb trolley and bicycles underneath the fuselage.

An airman is guiding a bomb being winched up into a bomb bay. A bomb trolley on the right and bicycles behind.

An armourer guiding a bomb being winched into a bomb bay. Another airman stands to the left and part of the bomb trolley is visible on the right.

Top - painting of a Lancaster being bombed up. Captioned 'Winter of 43 somewhere in England. by David Shepherd'.
Bottom - photograph - view from above of a Lancaster with Spitfire and Hurricane on either wing over sea. Captioned 'Memorial in Flight,…

A tractor towing two bomb trolleys with a Lancaster behind.
From information kindly provided by the donor. '115 Sqd Lanc Bombing up. Bomb trolleys & Lanc'.

Seven ground crew working on a Wellington. A bomb with a message in Polish is about to be loaded. The image is captioned 'Saint Jean de Luz'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Top - five men wearing shorts and no shirts standing in line in front of a doorway.
Middle - a pilot wearing tunic with brevet and sergeant rank sitting on a bench feeding pigeons.
Bottom - a Halifax parked on snow covered dispersal with bomb…

Stirling BK784 being bombed up. There are trestles at the engines and personnel standing around or sitting on a bomb trolley.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'BK784'. Forward part of aircraft on dispersal with hangars in the…

Top left - front quarter view of a Halifax parked on snow covered dispersal with bomb trolley in front. Captioned 'Our old "Love" in dispersal - Foulsham, Jan 1945'. Included is enlarged view of this photograph.
Top right - rock formation. Captioned…

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked on snow covered dispersal with canvas covers over cockpit and engines. A bomb trolley in front. Other aircraft in the distance behind. Submitted with caption 'L Love'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Three airmen wearing battledress and peaked or side caps sitting on a bomb trolley with part of a Lancaster in the background. A further Lancaster in the distance ion the left. On the reverse 'Don Carruthers (DFM), Bill Eyles (DFM), Bert Warner…

Two paintings of a Lancaster from an album. In the first, by David Shepherd, the Lancaster is being readied for an operation with bombs being loaded and a fuelling truck waiting. In the second three Lancasters are taxying for take off.

View of the front of a Halifax with two bomb trolleys with general purpose bombs underneath. Four airmen are clustered round the rearmost bomb trolley. There is a gantry by the starboard inner engine. Submitted with caption '78 Sqn bombing up'.

Two airmen stand either side of a general purpose bomb being hoisted from a trolley into the main bomb bay of a Halifax. To the left and airman pulls a bomb trolley and another stands with his back to the bomb. Two airman are at the bottom of a…

An airman wearing tunic guides a general purpose bomb being hoisted into the bomb bay of a Halifax. Another airman is pulling another bomb trolley towards the bomb bay. On the left in the distance two officers are standing talking. Another Halifax…

An armourer stands guiding a general purpose bomb being hoisted from trolley into the main bomb bay of a Halifax. To the left another airman stands by a another bomb trolley with small bomb containers. A further airman stands on the port upper wing…
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