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  • Tags: anti-Semitism

Wolfgang Jähnichen recalls being a five-year-old boy in Dresden at the time of the 13 February 1945 bombing. He gives a vivid account of the attack and recounts various episodes: the time spent with his mother in the cellar used as air raid shelter;…

Thea Warwick was seven years old and living in Rotterdam during the war. She recalls what is was like during the Hongerwinter, walking for miles to soup kitchens and talks about other ways of how they obtained food. They moved into the smallest…

Jan Black flew operations as an air gunner with 300 Squadron. He was badly burned when his aircraft crashed during a training flight and became a member of the Guinea Pig Club. He underwent 10 operations at East Grinstead Hospital. He describes his…

Charles Clarke volunteered for the Royal Air Force when he was 17 years old and flew operations as a bomb aimer with 619 Squadron from RAF Woodhall Spa. His aircraft was shot down on his 18th operation and he became a prisoner of war. He was held at…

She tells of her life in Berlin before, during and after the war. She lived with her mother in a block of flats close to the home of her grandparents. Her father died when she was nine years old. During the war she collected shrapnel as souvenirs…

Richard Suchenwirth recalls his wartime memories as a Flakhelfer in Pasing, a district of Munich. He tells of his father who was the author of three books on the Luftwaffe, the founder of the Austrian Nazi Party, a political orator and initial…

Wilhelm Simonsohn remembers his wartime service as a Luftwaffe night fighter pilot. He tells of his adoption by a Jewish family, and the discovery of his father’s background after being lampooned as ‘Jewish scum’ at school. He emphasises family…

Guido Dell’Era recollects daily life in wartime Milan, stressing inadequate war preparation. He describes a disciplined, regimented society which later turned to disillusionment. He recollects the declaration of war, the fall of the fascist regime…

Efrem Colombi recalls his care-free childhood, initially in the Bergamo countryside and then in Milan. He emphasises his life-long, radical, anti-Clericalism and recounts how he ran away several times from Catholic boarding schools due to his…

Dirk Bosch was eight years old when the German army occupied his hometown of Amsterdam. He describes what life was like for him during this time. He tells of seeing Dutch Jews rounded up and deported. He describes the hunger of the time and the…
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