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  • Tags: V-weapon

Roy was evacuated four times.
The first to Isleham and he was accompanied by his maternal grandparents and Alan from next door. There was no electricity, water or sewerage in the farmhouse. Gas was installed but never used. Lighting was by paraffin…

Opens with mention of Bomber Command memorial in Green Park and 55,573 despite killed, moral was high due to belief that winning was vital. Tells story that he was guest at two weddings in 1943 with three other members of Bomber Command and that all…

Notes 4.5 million houses out of 13 million damaged by bombing including those recently destroyed by flying bombs and rockets.

Target photograph showing bright area in the centre. Caption '347, W.S., 4/5.7.44, NT 8". 16450, 246 degrees 0131' St Leu D'Esserent, Z, 1 x 12000, 34 secs, F/L Pryor, Z., 617'. On the reverse '51:98/13'.

Target photograph showing open countryside on the left with tracer lines and bright spot to the right. Caption '348, W.S., 4/5.7.44, NT 8", St Leu D'Esserent, C, 1 x 12000, F/O Duffy, C., 617'. On the reverse '51:98/14'. A Lancaster at a lower…

Target photograph showing many bright spots all over. Caption '352, W.S. 4/5.7.44, NT 8", 18700, St Leu D'Esserent, K1, 1 x 12000, F/L Wilson, N., 617'. On the reverse '51:98/15'.

Target photograph showing large bright spot bottom centre. Caption '363, W.S. 4/5.7.44, NT 8", 18250, 348 degrees, 0140, St Leu D'Esserent, T, 1 x 12000, 34 secs, F/O Willsher, T., 617'. On the reverse '51:98/16, APoint'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing a wooded area running top to bottom on the left with a road, railway to its left. On the right two roads run from the bottom joining top centre. There are a large number of craters to the left of the river and top…

Reconnaissance photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road railway runs top right to bottom right. Road runs from bottom centre/right and splits, one going top top centre and the other to top left. There are a large number of craters on…

Six aerial photographs of St Leu d'Esseent.
Photo 1 is a vertical target photograph with tunnels, railway and landing quay marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the operation. It is captioned '1962 TLP 5-8-44//8" 15000…

Four photographs of St. Leau d'Esserent.
Photo 1 is a target aerial photograph with areas to be bombed. Tunnel entrances, constructions, excavations, railway and a landing quay are marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the…

Three images of St Leu d'Esserent taken after the attack.
Photo 1 is a vertical image showing bomb craters. It is annotated with 'C' and 'D's.
Photo 2 shows an entrance to an underground store.
Photo 3 show an entrance to an underground store. It…

Target photograph showing large bright flashes centre left and right as well as other flashes. Caption '338, W.S., 4/5.7.44, NT 8", St Leu D'Esserent, V., 1 x 12000, F/O Lee, V., 617'. On the reverse '51:98/7'. A Lancaster at lower altitude can be…

Target photograph showing open countryside with a bright area at the bottom left. Caption '339, W.S., 4/5.7.44,NT 8", 17000, 0141, St Leu D'Esserent, V. 1 x 12000, 34 secs, F/O Lee, V, 617'. On the reverse '51:98/8'.

Target photograph showing a large flash centre left and other bright spots. Caption '341, W.S., 4/5.7.44, NT 8", 18500, 330 degrees, 0135, St Leu D'Esserent, J, 1 x 12000, 34 secs, P/O Gingles, L, 617'. On the reverse '51:98/9, AP'.

Target photograph showing bright areas bottom left and top right with tracer lines bottom left. Caption '342, W.S. 4/5 7.44, NT 8", St Leu D'Esserent, R, 1 x 120'51:98/10'.00, F/Lt Knilans, R., 617'. On the reverse

Target photograph showing bright spot left centre on edge and another to its right. Tracer lines on the right side. Caption '344, W.S., 4/5 .7.44, NT 8", St Leu D'Esserent, Y., 1 x 12000, F/O Stout, Y, 617'. On the reverse '51:98/11'.'

Target photograph showing bright spot in the middle. Caption '346, W.S., 4/5.7.44, NT 8", 18500, 360 degrees, 0143, St Leu D'Esserent, D1, 1 x 12000, 34 secs, S/L McCarthy, Q., 617'. On the reverse '51:98/12'.

A brief memoir of Geoffrey Whittle's wartime service. His training started in March 1942 in Scotland. One year later he converted to Wellingtons, then Lancasters at RAF Lindholme. He was then posted to RAF Ludford Magna. On his 15th operation over…
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