Browse Items (98 total)

  • Tags: Stalag 8B

Includes: editorial matters; music round the camps; official reports from the camps; (two pages missing); letters; how they help funds (fund raising at home); fun and games; news from the far east; parcel points; knitting pattern for 'waistcoat for…

Includes: editorial matters; reading in camp; official reports from the camps (two pages missing); the letters they write home; fun and games, our generous helpers (fund raising at home); group photographs from the camps; news from the far east;…

Includes: editorial matters; all in a day's work; life in a Japanese prison camp; fun and games; letters they write home; official reports from the camps; group photographs from the camps; how next of kin are helping (including knitting pattern for…

Map of Eastern Europe with prisoner of war camps marked with Stalag Luft I, III, IV and VI underlined.

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the editor's comments, How the Convoys got through, photographs of ex-POWs titled 'Victory Smiles', Finding his Feet -…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, Repatriation Arrangements, Liberation comes to Stalag IXA, Behind the Scenes about theatrical endeavours,…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, the transport of food parcels, Emergency supplies for the camp, POW cooking, articles about Christmas in…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, POWs released by the Russians, ex-Internees welcomed home, entertainment at the Camps, Escaped Prisoners…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Food Situation about food parcel delivery, Editors comments, Sport reports from the Camps, suggestions for parcel contents,…

Reporting on camp transfers, a new film available to loan, reports from camps and the suspension of parcel post.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Writes of recent entertainment and the weather. Continues with description of crafts and fun fair. Mentions friends visiting, that he has convalesced and he has taken up Spanish.

Thanks her for her letters and says he is fit and well. Asks if she would like to be his pin up girl and ask for photographs.

First correspondence to someone he knew but forgot her surname. Notes he landed in his unfortunate predicament. Hopes she still has his photograph and that he might see her soon.

Writes that there had been no letters from home and he had celebrated his second anniversary. Looking forward to getting back to England.

Writes that he looks forward to her letters. Continues with friendly banter and talks a little of his activities.

He is well and thanks them for two cigarette parcels. He has been sunbathing and been at church.

Part of his message has been censored. He asks about folk back home and hopes he will be home soon.

He has received parcels of cigarettes from home. It has been very hot.

He is desperate for a cigarette parcel. He has been studying and hopes to be home soon.

Part of a letter but only the address side.

He asks for cigarettes. He is studying accounts.

He is well and repeats his request for a pipe and also tobacco.
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