Browse Items (514 total)
- Tags: Resistance
Hostages being executed as reprisal for the liberation of 70 inmates by partisans
Tags: arts and crafts; Resistance
I Owe my Life to You - Ronald Riding
Tags: bale out; evading; killed in action; Lancaster; Resistance
Identification photos
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; evading; Resistance
Incomplete letter sent from a British address to a Renata.
Tags: prisoner of war; Resistance
Inmates in the Udine prison being liberated by partisans. Part 1
Tags: arts and crafts; Resistance
Inmates in the Udine prison being liberated by partisans. Part 2
Tags: arts and crafts; Resistance
Inmates in the Udine prison being liberated by partisans. Part 3
Tags: arts and crafts; Resistance
Interview with a survivor of the Karigador bombing
Tags: bombing; childhood in wartime; home front; Resistance; strafing
Interview with a survivor of the Voghera bombings (informant C)
Interview with Adriano Landini
Interview with Albino Ristorto
Tags: bombing; childhood in wartime; Resistance
Interview with Albino Ristorto
Tags: bombing; childhood in wartime; Resistance
Interview with Alfie Martin
Interview with an eye-witness of Milan bombings
Interview with Andy Andrews
Tags: 10 Squadron; 1663 HCU; aircrew; B-17; bombing; crewing up; Dulag Luft; evading; FIDO; Halifax; Halifax Mk 2; Halifax Mk 3; Heavy Conversion Unit; Ju 52; Ju 88; lack of moral fibre; lynching; military living conditions; mine laying; Operation Exodus (1945); Operational Training Unit; prisoner of war; RAF Cardington; RAF Cranwell; RAF Melbourne; RAF Rufforth; Resistance; shot down; Stalag 7A; training; Wellington; wireless operator
Interview with Anna Maria Serafini
Interview with Annunciata Buffadossi
Interview with Anthony Tompson
Tags: 163 Squadron; 8 Group; 90 Squadron; air sea rescue; aircrew; bombing; crash; Distinguished Flying Cross; military ethos; mine laying; Mosquito; navigator; Normandy campaign (6 June – 21 August 1944); Normandy deception operations (5/6 June 1944); Pathfinders; RAF Tuddenham; RAF Wyton; Resistance; Stirling; take-off crash; Tiger Moth; training
Interview with Arthur Spencer
Tags: 16 OTU; 205 Group; 97 Squadron; aircrew; Bennett, Donald Clifford Tyndall (1910-1986); bombing of Hamburg (24-31 July 1943); Bombing of Peenemünde (17/18 August 1943); C-47; crewing up; ground crew; Master Bomber; military ethos; mine laying; navigator; Operational Training Unit; Pathfinders; RAF Bourn; RAF Scampton; RAF Swinderby; RAF Upper Heyford; RAF Wainfleet; RAF Woodhall Spa; Resistance; searchlight; target indicator; training; Ventura; Wellington; Window
Interview with Betty May Pearson
Interview with Bill Bailey
Tags: 205 Group; 31 Squadron; air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; Anson; B-24; crash; crewing up; forced landing; ground personnel; Initial Training Wing; medical officer; memorial; military living conditions; Operational Training Unit; RAF Aqir; RAF Bridlington; RAF Dalcross; recruitment; Resistance; training; Wellington
Interview with Bill Leckie
Interview with Bill Moore. One
Tags: 138 Squadron; 161 Squadron; Advanced Flying Unit; aerial photograph; aircrew; Anson; Catalina; flight engineer; Halifax; Hudson; Lancaster; Lysander; navigator; observer; Operation Manna (29 Apr – 8 May 1945); Photographic Reconnaissance Unit; RAF Benson; RAF Desborough; RAF Halfpenny Green; RAF Heaton Park; RAF Tempsford; RAF Tuddenham; reconnaissance photograph; Resistance; Special Operations Executive; Stirling; training
Interview with Bill Moore. Three
Please note: The veracity of this interview has been called into question. We advise that corroborative…
Tags: 138 Squadron; 161 Squadron; aircrew; Anson; Bolingbroke; bombing; bombing of Hamburg (24-31 July 1943); briefing; Churchill, Winston (1874-1965); displaced person; fear; Gee; H2S; Hudson; Lancaster; Lysander; military service conditions; navigator; Normandy campaign (6 June – 21 August 1944); Operation Manna (29 Apr – 8 May 1945); perception of bombing war; RAF Halfpenny Green; RAF Heaton Park; RAF Tempsford; RAF Tuddenham; Resistance; Special Operations Executive; training; Wellington
Interview with Bill Moore. Two
Tags: 138 Squadron; aircrew; Anson; bombing; crewing up; displaced person; Gee; H2S; Halifax; Hudson; Lancaster; Lysander; observer; Operation Manna (29 Apr – 8 May 1945); RAF Benson; RAF Halfpenny Green; RAF Heaton Park; RAF Tempsford; RAF Tuddenham; Resistance; Special Operations Executive; Stirling; training