Browse Items (514 total)

  • Tags: Resistance

#1 is 25 airmen arranged in four rows.
#2 and 3 are slightly different views of a roll call parade. #2 is captioned 'Zondags-appel op de appelplaats'.
#4 is a head and shoulders portrait of Sebastian, identified on a post-it with 'French…

The war is lost and Hungarian people must rebel against the Germans and their allies. In order to save their country they have to sabotage transportation, damage industrial plants and factories, resort to strike, walkout and mass demonstration. The…

Includes photographs of twelve squadron officers, the crashed aircraft, some of the crew, Jack and Mary Newton and Sgt R D Porteous. Recounts the last sortie of the crew to Aachen when they had to jettison their bombs, an engine caught fire and they…

In a prison cell, a man covered in blood and chained to the wall is being tortured by three fascists in military uniform. Irons are being heated up in a brazier in the centre of the room. Bloody hand-prints are visible on the walls amongst…

Major Gordon Lett reports to Colonnello Mario Fontana about air drops, including additional notes on operational procedures and an overall assessment of the military situation in the area.


A biography of Fred. In addition it includes histories of aircraft and squadrons he served in, Details are included of airfields he served at. Additionally there are biographies of various servicemen associated with Fred's squadrons and service.

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A screaming naked man is suspended across a cell by ropes tied around his wrists, looped over a hook on the wall, and his ankles, looped through the bars of a window. The rope threaded through the window is held by a uniformed figure. A bucket is…

In a barn full of animals, an exchange of gun fire is taking place between fascists disguised as partisans and civilians. The soldier in the foreground has been badly shot and another soldier is running out through the barn doors.


Four photographs and two sketch maps on an album page.

Photo 1 is an aerial view of the beachhead at Anzio, dated Oct 12th 1944.
Sketch map 1 is a route across Sardinia and Corsica to Naples with Anzio and Rome marked.
Photo 2 is a group of men…

Leaflet thanking those in occupied France for their ongoing work in helping to slow down factory production, thus aiding the bombing effort.

Nino Zanninello has been stopped by two of the soldiers manning a mountain check-point. One of the soldiers is holding onto the right handlebar of a bicycle, whilst another soldier is asking him questions and taking down notes.

Caption reads…

Comandante Luciano Scotti urges Major Gordon Lett to postpone the burial of the British aircrew who crashed near Rossano on 30 December 1944.


ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 213-1.jpg
Address of C Haines in Winchester

During the day, in a quiet street outside a pharmacy, three figures dressed in green or brown are aiming pistols and rifles at two civilians. One civilian is dressed in a red and white striped T-shirt and brown trousers, whilst the other wears a…

A mountain village has been attacked by Cossacks. Buildings are burning in the distance and civilians are being threatened with knives and rifles. Three civilians are lying on the ground having been shot.

Label reads “125”; signed by the…

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 011-1.jpg
Cesare Andreini, on behalf of the Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale, declares that Bruno Parenti joined the Resistance serving in the Torbecchia squad. He acted as liaison officer and never collaborated with the German army.

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Godfrey from 3 of February 1941 to 25 of September 1945 detailing training schedule, instructional duties and operations flown. Aircraft flown were Dominie, Proctor, Wellington, Hampden,…

Vertial aerial photograph of Circhina. Snow-covered terrain, scattered trees and a river are visible on the image. Captioned '2780 40'55 21 Jan '45 F8"//1400° [arrow] 17.17 T.T. Circhina Supply Drop. Sgt Hanson P/O Jones B'A.

Colonnello Mario Fontana discusses air drops and material sharing, stressing the need of a more rational organisation and a fairer allotment of the supplies.


In a farmhouse, three civilians are being interrogated by soldiers in fascist and nazi uniforms. The prisoner in the foreground is being tortured by strappado i.e. suspending the entire weight of the person on their wrists, which are tied together…

Code sheets consisting of standard phrases for guerrilla warfare, followed by codes for inhabited places, mountains and passes.


A badge of the Comet Line escape group maintained by the French during the War.

States that the Casoni improvised landing strip was completed yesterday (9 April 1945).


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