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  • Tags: Red Cross

Writes about map of prisoner of war camps that they sent. Gives advice on addressing letters to husband due to German censorship. Suggests address to Stalag 357 and omit Stalag Luft 3.

Notes kept by Fred Hooker after being shot down. It details the evacuation of the camp from Stalag Luft 7 to Stalag 3A with deaths recorded.

Number 4. Reports he is more cheerful but hungry. Writes of possibilities of food in Red Cross parcels. Writes that he is busy looking after his hut, mentions study opportunities and garden. News of servicemen and prisoners he knows. He is longing…

Number 10. Writes that he has received her first two letters. Discuses small chance that other crews from the operation survived as only a small number now in his camp. Asks when she heard from Red Cross that he was prisoner. Mentions his poor…

Number 13. Writes that her letters 1-5 arrived. Says post could be delayed both ways and suggest she send one letter a week. Notes that ration cuts have been restored and regular Red Cross parcels arriving. Says he is now feeling much better and has…

Number 18. Thanks her for efforts to organise food parcels but disappointed with one rich acquaintance. Thrilled to get old photographs of her. Continuing effort with his now own violin. Red Cross food parcel arriving regularly and well as some…

Number [censored]. List letters that have arrived and mentions one from Swiss friend promising parcel soon. Food situation now better than it was in first month when there were no Red Cross parcels. [censured lines]. More about food and sport. Time…

Number 21. Lists letters arrived. Still allowed only one letter and one card out a month. Limits ability to write to anyone else as saving allowance for her. Red Cross has issued some clothes but mentions he still need some article s to avoid having…

Number 30. Writes that medical comforts parcel (lists contents) and tobacco from father had arrived. Writes of his activities and weather. Christmas Red Cross parcels have arrived. Hopes daughter Frances had good Christmas.

Number 37. Notes received parcel from mother and asks her to send thanks as he has no spare cards. Reports other parcel arriving and thanks her for organising foreign contributions. Red Cross Christmas parcels as well. Notes camp choir and orchestra…

Number 38. Mentions Christmas food and activities but still problems tasting anything. Didn't enjoy himself. Asks after daughter and requests news as only one letter from her received that month. Hoping for big things in 1943.

Number 47. Still no letter from wife but her parcel has arrived. Has now got all the clothing required just needs socks. Thanks her for included rug for which he is very grateful and would like another if he is there for another winter. Mentions…

Number 10. Reports no mail but Red Cross parcels coming in. Recounts his own feelings and activities. Notes his 300th day in captivity while some others have 1300 days.

Number 19. Large quantities of Red Cross food were arriving at the camp. He suggested that Ursula and Frances could live, and help, on a farm until he gets home.

Number 37. He writes reminiscing about his last leave with his wife and how camp life is monotonous. He asks for rosin for violin bow and no more clothing other than socks. He mentions recent show and that he is still playing the fiddle but had…

Number 51. Describes conditions in new camp. Mentions they no longer cook their own food therefore little distraction from monotony. Mentions difficulties in continuing with his violin. States that mail will be slow for a few weeks, comments…

Number 56-113. He writes that some of the mail and some parcels have arrived. He has been practising playing the fiddle wherever her can find a place to practice. He is much less busy than at previous camp. A placard saying “Per Ardna ad Aqua”…

Number 73-130. Writes that he has given her power of attorney and post office withdrawal form sent via Red Cross. Discusses financial issues. Mention that he received music and reports issues with his violin.

Number 84-141. Gives results of recent music exams. Weather turned mild and back to slush. Asks to see if she can get recompense for missing Red Cross parcel. Awaiting details of house.

Number 85-142. Writes of potential house purchase and problems ahead. Discusses financial matters and instruction sent about RAF pay through Red Cross. Discusses name for new house. Puzzled about watch she is wearing. Mentions his lack of religion…

Number 147-4. Very few letters have arrived. Comments on weather not cold but slush. Got new boots from Red Cross and comments on climate and lack of exercise. Mention that there are plenty of Red Cross parcels available but misses bread and…

Number 156-13. Writes it has been month since her last letter arrived. Mentions weather and violin. Still getting Red Cross food and despite cut in potatoes and increased number in camp, they are still alright.

Number 162-19. Reports he is delighted by arrival of 12 letters, six from her, congratulates her on content and replies to her news. Mentions daughter, religion, family and wife's activities. Still no sign of clothing parcels and asks her to check…

Writes describing at length taking daughter to welfare clinic including story of children bitten by a dog. Tells of selling flags for Red Cross. Concludes with news of damage by Mrs Stenzel.


Writes catching up with news of family and friends and progress of daughter Frances. Mentions taking over Red Cross penny-a-week fund and other activities. Continues with more news of family and friends and that she is longing to receive her first…
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