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  • Tags: Red Cross

Part of a letter informing that her son died as a result of air operations. Advising that one of the three unidentified crew members had been found and buried.

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, the transport of food parcels, Emergency supplies for the camp, POW cooking, articles about Christmas in…

Transcript of oral history interview. He starts with a brief service history, 7 Squadron Oakington, Stirling and later Lancaster. He was shot down on his seventh operation, was captured after 4 months and became a prisoner of war. He begins with a…

A detailed booklet with advice on how prisoners of war are treated and what can be done to help them.

A newspaper article about John's return from captivity.

Comments on target (Frankfurt) and odds on being shot down. It was their 19th operation and out of 124 aircrew shot down that night only 10 survived, five from their crew. Mentions evading, capture, initial treatment and journey to camp (Stalag Luft…

News clipping. John Taplin is reported as a prisoner of war in Germany.

Covers measures taken by service departments to trace missing personnel through red cross and enemy governments. Any news would be passed on if reliable. Advises against listening to enemy broadcasts.

Information as to action taken by the authorities.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Advice about efforts the government makes to identify the fate of a missing relative.

An explanation of what the Government is doing to trace a missing person and advice on what not to do.

The notes offer information on a family member that is missing.

Following the report that Reg is missing, advising that of the seven casualties of the crash, three have been identified as Sergeant Hannel, Sergeant Johnson and Sergeant Barrett, three are unidentified and one is unaccounted for.

Letter to Thomas' mother advising that his nephew, Pilot Officer Alex Cassie, is a prisoner of war. He writes in the hope of similar good news being received in respect of the other crew member, including Thomas.

A postcard addressed to the American Red Cross. On the reverse is a section to be filled in by the recipient. There are handwritten annotations with French numbers, one to ten with phonetic pronunciations.

A log of Arthur's time as a prisoner of war. It contains sketches of daily life, items constructed from tins, poems, list of rations, contents of Red Cross parcels, daily menus, recipes, theatre productions and extracts from letters.

A comprehensive list of items that must not be sent to prisoners of war. On the reverse is a list of items that can be sent.

An information leaflet with addresses, activities. clubs, assistance , tipping, places to visit, map of central London and a tube map.,

The award of the medal to Squadron Leader Douglas 'Hank' Iveson, following his multiple operations bombing the naval base at Trondheim and against battleships in Brest harbour. The second award was in recognition of gallantry displayed in flying…

Six men, including Bertie's Father in a Bentley with a Bentley Rotary 2 aero engine in the back. A sign on the car reads 'The worlds record 2294 miles in 24 hours 95 MPH We want 2294 Shillings in 6 hours!' Another' Your help please'.



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