Browse Items (611 total)
- Tags: Red Cross
Letter to Doris Muir from the Air Ministry
The Prisoner of War March 1945
51 Squadron, 4 Group, RAF Bomber Command
Tags: 4 Group; 5 Group; 51 Squadron; 578 Squadron; 6 Group; 8 Group; air gunner; aircrew; anti-aircraft fire; bomb aimer; bombing; Distinguished Flying Cross; Distinguished Flying Medal; flight engineer; Gee; gremlin; ground crew; ground personnel; Halifax; Halifax Mk 3; Lancaster; Master Bomber; mess; mid-air collision; mine laying; Mosquito; navigator; Oboe; Oxford; Pathfinders; pilot; RAF Burn; RAF Carnaby; RAF Elvington; RAF Kirmington; RAF Leconfield; RAF Lissett; RAF Marston Moor; RAF Odiham; RAF Snaith; RAF Tangmere; Red Cross; Spitfire; Stirling; target indicator; Typhoon; Wellington; Whitley; wireless operator; Women’s Auxiliary Air Force
A conversation with Oliver Wells
Tags: 5 Group; 600 Squadron; 7 Squadron; aircrew; bale out; bombing; Bombing of Peenemünde (17/18 August 1943); evading; Flying Training School; Heavy Conversion Unit; Ju 88; Lancaster; Lincoln; Mosquito; Oxford; Pathfinders; pilot; prisoner of war; RAF Cranwell; RAF Marham; RAF Oakington; RAF Stradishall; Red Cross; shot down; Stalag Luft 3; Stirling; Sunderland; the long march; Tiger Moth; training
A Handbook for the Information of Relatives and Friends of Prisoners of War
Tags: prisoner of war; Red Cross
A month with the Russians
A POWs Memories
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; bombing; Dulag Luft; evading; Lancaster; pilot; prisoner of war; Red Cross; shot down; Stalag Luft 7
A Prisoner of War
Advice to the relative of a man who is missing
Tags: missing in action; Red Cross
Advice to the relative of a man who is missing
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.
Advice to the relative of a man who is missing
Advice to the Relative of a Man who is Missing
Tags: missing in action; Red Cross
Air Ministry letter to Mrs Muir
Alan McInnes memoir
Tags: 83 Squadron; air gunner; aircrew; bale out; bomb aimer; C-47; Churchill, Winston (1874-1965); crewing up; Dulag Luft; entertainment; final resting place; flight engineer; Fw 190; Goering, Hermann (1893-1946); ground personnel; H2S; Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945); incendiary device; Lancaster; Mosquito; navigator; Operation Exodus (1945); Operational Training Unit; Pathfinders; pilot; prisoner of war; radar; RAF Bicester; RAF Lichfield; RAF Wigsley; RAF Wyton; Red Cross; shot down; sport; Stalag 357; Stalag 3A; Stalag Luft 3; Stalag Luft 6; target indicator; the long march; training; wireless operator; Women’s Auxiliary Air Force
Alex is a prisoner of war
Tags: aircrew; pilot; prisoner of war; Red Cross
American Red Cross
Tags: prisoner of war; Red Cross
Arthur Mace's wartime log
Articles which may not be sent in next-of-kin parcels
Tags: prisoner of war; Red Cross
Australian Red Cross Welcomes You
Tags: entertainment; Red Cross; sport
Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar
Bentley with Aircraft Engine
Tags: Red Cross
Bob Smith's Memoirs
Tags: 106 Squadron; 115 Squadron; 142 Squadron; 15 Squadron; 1653 HCU; 166 Squadron; 3 Group; 4 Group; 44 Squadron; 467 Squadron; 49 Squadron; 5 Group; 619 Squadron; 622 Squadron; 640 Squadron; 76 Squadron; 78 Squadron; 84 OTU; Advanced Flying Unit; aerial photograph; air gunner; aircrew; Anson; anti-aircraft fire; bale out; Beaufighter; bomb aimer; bombing; Boston; crash; crewing up; Distinguished Flying Cross; entertainment; flight engineer; H2S; Halifax; Hampden; killed in action; Lancaster; Lancaster Finishing School; Master Bomber; mess; Morse-keyed wireless telegraphy; Mosquito; navigator; Nissen hut; Oboe; observer; Operational Training Unit; Oxford; pilot; prisoner of war; RAF Bishops Court; RAF Breighton; RAF Bridlington; RAF Cardington; RAF Chedburgh; RAF Cranwell; RAF Desborough; RAF Dunholme Lodge; RAF Feltwell; RAF Halfpenny Green; RAF Harrington; RAF Kirmington; RAF Leconfield; RAF Mildenhall; RAF Silloth; RAF Stradishall; RAF Tempsford; RAF Waddington; RAF West Freugh; RAF White Waltham; RAF Wigtown; RAF Witchford; Red Cross; sport; Stalag Luft 3; Stalag Luft 7; Stirling; training; V-1; Wellington; wireless operator
Bob Smith's Memoirs - Book 1
Tags: 115 Squadron; 142 Squadron; 15 Squadron; 166 Squadron; 4 Group; 44 Squadron; 463 Squadron; 466 Squadron; 49 Squadron; 5 Group; 619 Squadron; 622 Squadron; 640 Squadron; 76 Squadron; 78 Squadron; aerial photograph; Air Observers School; aircrew; Anson; Beaufighter; bomb aimer; Boston; crash; Distinguished Flying Cross; entertainment; H2S; Halifax; Initial Training Wing; killed in action; Lancaster; Morse-keyed wireless telegraphy; Mosquito; navigator; Oboe; observer; Operational Training Unit; pilot; prisoner of war; RAF Breighton; RAF Dunholme Lodge; RAF Halfpenny Green; RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor; RAF Kirmington; RAF Leconfield; RAF Mildenhall; RAF Moreton in the Marsh; RAF Waddington; RAF Witchford; recruitment; Red Cross; sport; Stalag Luft 3; Stalag Luft 7; training; V-1; V-weapon; Wellington; wireless operator