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  • Tags: Red Cross

Certificate after attending a first aid course.

A letter from the British Red Cross and Order of St John of Jerusalem sent to Mrs Joan Broderick concerning her husband, Kenneth, whose whereabouts is still unknown. The letter includes the information of two of Kenneth's crew members, Sergeant…

A letter from the British Red Cross and Order of St John of Jerusalem sent to Mrs Joan Broderick concerning her husband, Kenneth. The letter provides an update on the whereabouts of Joan's husband, of which the German authorities have no further…

Letter was the reply to an enquiry from Mrs Harrison. It was to inform her that they had heard nothing regarding John having become a prisoner of war.

Certificates awarded to Charmian Quitmann having been examined in Parts A and B in First Aid. On the reverse 'Written 49 Oral 19 Practical 19 86 Honours'.


Polish language card with personal details.
This is a document which has been completed on behalf of the sister of Bronislaw Soltysiak, as she was looking for him. The Red Cross reunited many Polish Families after the war. This is a request for…


A booklet with records of blood donations and dietary advice when giving blood.


Seven men at work making props. Two men are working on a dresser. A Red Cross crate is in the foreground.

Building with one and two story parts. Many glass windows with white bricks below. Steps lead down from doorway in centre front. A nurse stands at the bottom of the steps. In front grass and in the distance behind a hill.


Form P2280E issued to family of prisoners of war. Rules and advice on how to communicate with prisoners of wars.

Two contents lists for red cross parcels sent by Ursula Valentine. Two contents list sent for Christmas 1942 by Director Hansson and Mrs Skagerlind from Sweden. Two address cards.

Upper part a scroll with county of Norfolk. Lower part round badge with red cross shield with title round edge. On the reverse '11029, J E Nicholls'.


Includes David Joseph's service in the RAF, his training in Canada and his operations on Halifaxes at RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor and his movements after being shot down 18 March 1944 and becoming a prisoner of war.

In the log Dick Curnock recorded crew and friends names and addresses, an obituary of Ginge Wheeldon who was shot by a Typhoon whilst on a march, cartoons, sketches of aircraft, dates of letters received and samples of window.

Five photographs of Doug, two newspaper cuttings and a 21st birthday card.
Photo #1 and 5 are prisoner of war head and shoulders with his service number.
Photo 2 and 3 are prisoner of war side, head and shoulders with his camp number.
Photo 4 is…

Swastika with red cross in the centre. Annotated 'Copy of a drawing done by Philip Jenkinson whilst a prisoner of war, depicting the red cross getting through the Nazi swastika. Looking back now over 50 years it shows the high regard we, as prisoners…

A postcard from Reg to his parents advising them that he is well in Dulag Luft.

Article. States that educational work for prisoners in a number of camps was carried out by Flight Lieutenant F Harvey Vivian RAFVR also appointed MBE. Mentions he made two attempts to escape and describes evacuation of Stalag Luft VI by ship and…

The email's subject is 'Ben Boothman', the flight engineer of Lancaster LM381. The message covers Ben's time in the air force but also covers his pilot, Alf Morren.
The document has handwritten annotations.
A second copy but with only pages 3 and 4…

Three items from an album.
Item 1 is an envelope addressed to Daphne from Victor.
Item 2 is a cutting referring to Victor being shot down over Germany.
Item 3 is a cutting about the transfer of mail to prisoners during the war.

Describes operations as Lancaster pilot. Detailed description of last sortie to attack Dortmund-Ems canal on 6 November 1944. His aircraft was attacked by FW 190 which was driven of and then set on fire by another fighter attack. Describes bailing…

Several extracts of letters sent from June to September 1942. Tells he was now a prisoner of war, describes camp, accommodation, food, activities, mail, reading, sport, compatriots and his feelings.

A handwritten account of the operation at Politz. The aircraft was attacked north of Stettin and seen to explode on hitting ground. German interrogators said both pilot and mid/upper gunner were killed but the gunner turned up in hospital. There then…
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