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  • Tags: Red Cross

The telegram reports that the Red Cross have confirmed Arthur is a Prisoner of War.

A log of Arthur's time as a prisoner of war. It contains sketches of daily life, items constructed from tins, poems, list of rations, contents of Red Cross parcels, daily menus, recipes, theatre productions and extracts from letters.

A newspaper article about John's return from captivity.

A series of documents detailing events at Luckenwalde in the final stages of the war.

John writes that mail will be restricted for a month because of Christmas rules. Weather is cold.

John complains he has had little mail this month. He asks about Joy and Clive.

John is studying maths, science, radio, German and philosophy. He asks for books on these subjects and Ohmav[sic] Light of Asia. He has been keeping busy.

He is healthy and in good spirits. The educational classes have been temporarily suspended but they have a library. A Red Cross parcel recently arrived and they ate well for once.

John repeats his request for items to be sent out. He says he is being treated well.

A newspaper cutting with an article about life in prison of war camps.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Telegram from Air Ministry to Mrs Owen informing her of the death of Sergeant Owen.
Hand written at the bottom: "3 November 1943 Killed, 25 January 1944 Ruby informed".

Information through international Red Cross stated that his son Sergeant John Joseph Bromfield was a prisoner of war.

Includes many of his drawings including train locomotive, Halifax bomber, many caricatures and cartoon as well as abstracts of crew operations. Poem by William Blake. Article on the origination and function of the "food Acco". Note that he was shot…

Letter from the Casualty Branch of the Air Ministry expressing regret that Charles Hilder is missing as the result of air operations on the night of '24th/25th March, 1944'. States that Sergeant Hilder was flying as an air bomber in a Lancaster…

Letter requesting details of Charles Hilder's rank, service number and date when he was officially reported missing. Explains that the time taken for news of missing airmen to become available varies from a few weeks to several months, depending…

Letter informing Mrs Hilder that her husband (Sergeant C A Hilder, 1397651) and Sergeant E W J Warren, Sergeant J J McDonough and Flight Sergeant J A Newman have been buried in the catholic cemetery at Oberkirchen. Also states that the remaining…

Letter to Thomas' mother advising that his nephew, Pilot Officer Alex Cassie, is a prisoner of war. He writes in the hope of similar good news being received in respect of the other crew member, including Thomas.

A handwritten account of the operation at Politz. The aircraft was attacked north of Stettin and seen to explode on hitting ground. German interrogators said both pilot and mid/upper gunner were killed but the gunner turned up in hospital. There then…

Message to Thomas' mother advising that her son was a prisoner of war having been rescued from the sea.

Two maps and a list of extra camps.
Map #1 covers Germany, Poland and Austria.
Map #2 covers Italy.
The list covers 16 camps not plotted on the first map.

Five photographs of Doug, two newspaper cuttings and a 21st birthday card.
Photo #1 and 5 are prisoner of war head and shoulders with his service number.
Photo 2 and 3 are prisoner of war side, head and shoulders with his camp number.
Photo 4 is…

The letter is addressed to Doug in Stalag Luft 3/IVB and contains a bank statement and three Red Cross parcel inventories.
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