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  • Tags: Raf Mauripur

Five photographs from an album. They are collectively captioned 'The Trooping Apron Mauripur'.
Photo 1 is a side view of an RAF Liberator, captioned 'Liberator'.
Photo 2 is a side view of a York, captioned 'Avro York'.
Photo 3 is six ground crew…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Terry Ford in khaki and shorts captioned 'Self outside billet Mauripur'.
Photo 2 are Terry Ford and two men, all in swimming shorts, captioned 'Cliff, Todge and Self'.
Photo 3 is Cliff and Terry Ford.…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a Punch and Judy show on Bournemouth beach.
Photo 2 is Terry Ford in khaki and shorts leaning on a chair, captioned 'Mauripur again'.
Photo 3 is five airmen, two sitting on steps and three standing,…

The first edition of a magazine produced by RAF Mauripur. Articles about station life, sports reports, a film review and adverts.

Christmas greetings and Christmas dinner menu.

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1, 2, 3 and 4 are large groups of airmen, captioned 'RAF Strike Mauripur 1946. Lecture by Air Chief Marshall Barratt I.G. RAF'.
Photo 5 is a man in khaki and shorts on the steps of a ship, captioned 'Ron…

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two men in uniform sitting on the grass.
Photo 2 is a lorry filled with airmen, captioned 'Dinner time at R&I'.
Photo 3 and 6 are two men and a woman at a table, captioned 'Opening of Contact Club…

Five photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a view from the B-24 with vague field patterns on the ground. Photo 2, 3 and 5 are the airfield with the runway pattern visible. Photo 4 is looking past the B-24 port wing to the ground. The images are…

Nine photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is seven men, captioned 'Gang at R&I Mauripur'.
Photo 2 five men, a camel and a boy, captioned 'At Hawks Bay'.
Photo 3 is three airmen in khaki uniform and broad brimmed hats, captioned 'Off to town.…

For mess at Mauripur Sind, SEAAF Christmas 1945. Includes wine list, list of toasts and Christmas day dinner menu. On the back are signatures.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is accommodation at Mauripur, captioned 'Billets at Mauripur, nr Karachi. Group of Bearers'.
Photo 2 and 4 are oblique aerial photos of the Taj Mahal.
Photo 3 is the starboard side of an Avro York, captioned…

Top left - distant view of airport terminal, Captioned 'Control, Mauripur airport, Karachi'.
Top right - in the foreground a single storey building with three two storey building behind. Captioned 'Officer's mess and quarters, Mauripur airport,…

John's day by day record of his work at RAF Maipur. It covers the RAF 'strike' and his return to the UK

Intermittent record of John's time at RAF West Kirby then Blackpool for training. He covers the sail from Liverpool to Durban, then India, first Bombay then train to Karachi. Once established at RAF Mauripur he records his daily work and…

Peter was in the Air Training Corps and joined the Royal Air Force, on deferred service, as a wireless operation/air gunner. He was soon called to the Air Crew Reception Centre at Lord’s cricket ground. He went to the No. 2 Radio School at RAF…

John Shipman was born in Stathern, Leicester and, as a teenager, would cycle to Melton Mowbray to attend ATC meetings. He joined the RAF and started training as a flight mechanic. He joined a troop ship to start his posting, the journey taking six…

Pilots flying log book three for H O Forth, covering the period from 2 January 1943 to 16 March 1946 and from 3 January 1950 to 20 May 1953. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties, operations flown, and post war flying with 77 Squadron. He…

For show "Fastair' with programme of acts and other events. Christmas 1945 RAF Mauripur.

Menu for Christmas eve dinner 24 December 1945. On the reverse signatures and location: RAF officers' mess Mauripur, Karachi, Sind, India.

A man wearing only white shorts, dark socks and white shoes is sunbathing in a chair outside a brick and concrete building with pillars. On the reverse, 'I was just about to sneeze when Eddie took this one Glad. But his shadow spoils this one', and ,…

A man, in tropical uniform, is squatting in front of a cactus bush. In the background a featureless, desert-like landscape extends to the horizon. On the reverse, 'me, a cactus bush and the wilderness of India!!' and, 'Taken outside camp', and, 'Oct…

A full-length photograph of a man in uniform fatigues, with sergeant's stripes. He has his hands in his pockets, and is not wearing a cap. He is standing in a large open space, with a pond behind and to his right. In the background can be seen a…
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