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  • Tags: RAF Uxbridge

Transcript of original letter. Written while at Uxbridge after he was attested and issued uniform and expected to be posted on soon. Describes the camp, pay and speculates of future leave.

A biography of Anthony David Lambert. He joined the RAFVR at age 19. He was shot down over the Baltic Sea and was able to swim ashore, where he was captured. He took part in the Long March. After the war he remained in the RAF.

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

Handwritten on the inside of the album cover. The stations include Uxbridge, Cambridge, Bassingbourne, Dumfries, Harwell, Lossiemouth, Newton, Manby, Dalcross, Regents Park, Harlow, St Andrews, Moncton NB, Prince Albert, Sask, Dauphin Man.

Two printed sheets with six photographs.
The text describes his early training then transfer to Canada learning on Ansons in the snow.
Photo 1 is Sam standing in the snow outside a hut.
Photo 2 is a ship.
Photo 3 is Sam and friend leaning on an…

Top left - a member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force standing in front of a brick wall. Captioned 'Taken by Ian Hay during my telephonist training July 1940 at the Firs Worcester'.
Top centre - two members of the Women's' Auxiliary Air Force in…

Two verse poem about morning.

A service diary written by Peter Hattersley covering the period from November 1930 to 24 September 1948.Initially he served in the Royal Engineers but in February 1936 he joined the RAF. It covers his training and operations including a newspaper…

Starts with account of life at school (Rendcomb College) from 1931 to 1937. Continues with decade 1938-1948 starting with time at Cheltenham Art School in 1938 and 1939. Continues with account of wartime activity including enlistment, training at RAF…

Covering his service between 20 Oct 1939 and 13 May 1946. Form a replacement compiled on 5 Jan 1953.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The top centre photograph shows two men in swimming trunks both holding cigarettes.
Centre left shows men on parade outside accommodation blocks.
Middle centre shows five men in military uniform standing outside a building.
Centre right shows a…

Thanks her for letter and returning family allowance book and informs her that the questions raised in her letter have been forwarded to the Air Ministry as they would be dealing with the matter.

Edward's letter advises he is promoted to T/W/O.

Writes that their hopes of leave that night had been dashed and they had been promised some hours off on Saturday afternoon.

Writes of his experiences at Receiving Centre. Includes account of journey back to centre. Says it was good to see her. Continues with description of activities and fellow trainees. Includes humorous account of being sorted by religion.

Writes of his activities and that he was sorry to leave her. Describes bombing attack during his train journey back to Uxbridge and mentioning explosions and incendiaries. Writes of passengers alighting and watching bombing attack. Bombs had missed…

Written while at Uxbridge after he was attested and issued uniform and expected to be posted on soon. Describes the camp, pay and speculates of future leave.
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