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  • Tags: RAF Manby

Pilots flying log book 3 for Z F Klatkiewicz, covering the period from 25 September 1945 to 5 July 1948. Detailing his flying duties with 2 Air Gunnery School and Empire Air Armament School. He was stationed at 2 Air Gunnery School RAF Dalcross and…

Letter 1 is a covering letter for Harry Redgrave's Certificate of Service and Discharge, dated 29 July 1941.
Letter 2 corrects Harry Redgrave's service to include his attendance at an Air Observer's course on a new Certificate of Discharge and…

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

Handwritten on the inside of the album cover. The stations include Uxbridge, Cambridge, Bassingbourne, Dumfries, Harwell, Lossiemouth, Newton, Manby, Dalcross, Regents Park, Harlow, St Andrews, Moncton NB, Prince Albert, Sask, Dauphin Man.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for R B Carpenter, bomb aimer, covering the period from 16 May 1941 to 30 April 1945 and from 13 November 1950 to 27 May 1953. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and post…

Airman’s service and pay book for Flight Sergeant Robert Kirkbright from 9 July 1941 to 20 August 1943. Includes personal details, inoculation record and a list of where he served.

The log book covers the training and operational career of bomb aimer Peter Bellingham from 10 March 1943 to 21 February 1946. After training in South Africa he flew Halifaxes and Stirlings with 138 Squadron, taking part in 30 night operations over…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for P C Geary, air gunner, covering the period from 24 October 1940 to 17 June 1942. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Dumfries, RAF…

Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Bassingbourn (231 OCU), RAF Andover (RAF Staff College), RAF Pershore (10 AFTS), RAF Manby (RAF Flying College), RAF Gaydon (232 OCU) and RAF Marham (214 Squadron).…

The letter advises that he will shortly be getting an official letter. It also recommends various associations that can help him find work or assistance.

Writes that he had received news of Rosser and letter was attempt relieve browned off feelings. Comments that his course would shortly be over and he could leave that awful place and hopes he could join Rosser at his Operational Training Unit Tells…
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