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  • Tags: RAF Lossiemouth

RAF Form 441 completed for flights to Lossiemouth and Bari, Italy.

Gerry Stone’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from September 1937 until 28th August 1942. During this time trained as a wireless operator, air gunner and bomb aimer.

Initial training at Electrical and Wireless…

Guy starts with some comments on training at RAF Cranfield and RAF Lossiemouth, August 1940, before joining 9 Squadron at RAF Honington in November 1940 as a Wellington co-pilot. He recalls making a mistake on first operation to Mannheim. He was then…

Starts with short service history, pilot with IX and 70 Squadron and 29 OTU Wellington. Covers training the going to 9 Squadron at Honington in November 1940. Mentions messing up on first operation to Mannheim. make some comment on this tour…

Extracts from Guy Sharp’s Pilots Flying Log Book from 16th December 1940 until 31st July 1942. Initial training at 15 Elementary Flying Training School, 14 Service Flying Training School and then 20 Operational Training Unit. Operational postings…

Steve Bond explains the purpose of the interiew, that he is gathering information from personnel involved with the Wellington with a view to producing a book on the "Wimpy". Jo starts by talking about his training and Wellington flying. He starts by…

Partial transcript of a conversation from minute 21 to minute 45:44 of the oral recording. Starts by describing his training at EFTS and OTU; includes details of crewing up. Posted to 40 Squadron at RAF Wyton & RAF Alconbury on Wellingtons. He…

Starts with detailed description of events concerning his growing interest in aviation as a child and young man. He describes his first flight with Cobham's flying circus. He explains his application as apprentice to Armstrong Whitworth and describes…

The interview starts with S Bond explaining the purpose of the interview is research for a book on the 'Wimpey'. Harry then described his joining civil air guard and then volunteering for the RAF. He, initially hoped to be a pilot, but medical…

Edited transcript including most of the content of the recorded interview. Harry described joining the civil air guard and then volunteering for the RAF. Initially hoping to be a pilot, medical issues meant that he was employed on several ground jobs…

Harry Kartz’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 8th November 1940 until 12th August 1941. Trained as a wireless operator and air gunner at No. 2. Signals School. Posted to 20 Operational Training Unit and then 9…

Covers training as wireless operator then air gunner and posting to operations on 75 Squadron at RAF Feltwell with Wellingtons. Relates some early training and operational sorties. Tells of having to abandon aircraft over north Devon on tenth…

George talks about his career staring with OTU at RAF Lossiemouth where he crewed up. He describes the state of old Wellingtons on that unit and recounts some incidents. He recalls HCU on Halifax at RAF Rufforth, including his first two trips as…

Includes b/w photograph of Coles as a flight sergeant and colour contemporary head ands shoulder portrait. Briefly outline service and list his 158 Squadron crew. Flew 37 operations.

The interviewer mentions a friend who was on 158 Squadron and Aubrey mentions that brother was a wireless operator, special operations, out in India. He talks about early ops to Lens and then to Stuttgart. He continues with anecdotes of other notable…

Transcription of interviews. Interviewer mentions a friend who was on 158 Squadron. Coles mentions that brother was a wireless operator, special operations, out in India. Talks about early ops to Lens and then to Stuttgart. Goes on with anecdotes of…

William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 1 from 12th July 1940 until 14th February 1943 as a pilot. Training started in No. 15 Elementary Flying Training School, then No. 6 Flying Training School, 17 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 105 Squadron in…

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

Colin Cole took part in the attack that sunk the Tirpitz. He describes how the aircraft was adapted for the operation and flew via RAF Lossiemouth. Colin disposed of the Upkeep 'bouncing bombs' as part of his service with the RAF. They were…

Douglas 'Hank' Ivseson's first tour in Europe and 16 days of operational duties in the Middle East covering the period 7 July 1941 to 26 February 1943. Hank served with 76 Squadron, 77 Squadron and 462 Squadron and flew in Whitley and Halifax…
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