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  • Tags: RAF Lissett

Four aircrew in flying suits standing in line in front of the rear turret of a Halifax. Submitted with caption 'Bromfield Doc MU Gar BA Jock Nav 158 sqn'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Concerns crew captained by Flying Officer A Robertson RCAF including Flight Sergeant Jack Bromfield as wireless operation. Lists crew. Gives account of their 12th operation to Hanover where their Halifax was attacked and shot down by a Ju 88 flown by…

Transcription of interviews. Interviewer mentions a friend who was on 158 Squadron. Coles mentions that brother was a wireless operator, special operations, out in India. Talks about early ops to Lens and then to Stuttgart. Goes on with anecdotes of…

The interviewer mentions a friend who was on 158 Squadron and Aubrey mentions that brother was a wireless operator, special operations, out in India. He talks about early ops to Lens and then to Stuttgart. He continues with anecdotes of other notable…

Includes b/w photograph of Coles as a flight sergeant and colour contemporary head ands shoulder portrait. Briefly outline service and list his 158 Squadron crew. Flew 37 operations.

Says that after training in the United States he was sent to bombers and opted for Pathfinders. He flew 70 operations including Halifaxes on 102 and 158 Squadrons and Lancasters on 35 Squadron. Makes comparisons between Lancaster and Halifax. Jack…

A short document with four photographs and text. First photograph - an airman wearing flying suit standing behind the rear turret of a Halifax captioned ': Sgt Jack Bromfield with a 158 Squadron Halifax at Lissett (Jack Bromfield)'. Second photograph…
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