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  • Tags: RAF Lissett

A large group of 158 Squadron veterans at St James Church, Lisset.

Seven airmen seated in a tent. Bob "Cat's Eye" Benton and J Blackshaw have signed the reverse. Information supplied with the collection states 158 Squadron, Lissett, Johnny Johnson crew.

Eight airmen seated in a tent. Information supplied with the collection states 158 squadron, Lissett, Johnny Johnson crew.
There is a second copy with details on the reverse of each man, his crew position and his address.

Seven airmen in flying kit, standing at the rear of their Halifax. 158 Squadron, Lissett, Johnny Johnson crew. A second copy is annotated '158 Sqdn RAF Lissett 4 Group 1944' and each man is identified with their crew position. Another copy has each…

Page is titled 'Operational details of raids carried out over Germany, Holland and France, details of our flight log book of bombing raids.' It is in the form of a table recording Date, Target, Country, Duration and Comments. The summary at the end…

A summary of Tom's early life, marriage and service career. Includes a description of his aircraft being shot down over Wetten, with photographs of his caterpillar badge and postcard to his wife confirming he was a prisoner of war and his…

Four aircrew in flying suits standing in line in front of the rear turret of a Halifax. Submitted with caption 'Bromfield Doc MU Gar BA Jock Nav 158 sqn'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Concerns crew captained by Flying Officer A Robertson RCAF including Flight Sergeant Jack Bromfield as wireless operation. Lists crew. Gives account of their 12th operation to Hanover where their Halifax was attacked and shot down by a Ju 88 flown by…
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