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  • Tags: RAF Jurby

Addressed t 1251404 LAC Valentine JRM at RAF Jurby, Isle of Man. Postmarked Hendon.


Writes encouraging him to continue to pursue a commission. It would mean a lot to them both, particularly financially. Suggests he should get an interview with squadron commander and tell him how well he had done and that he is under treatment by…

Wonders if this will be last letter to him at Jurby and hopes good weather will allow him to complete bombing training. Reports that Mrs Stenzel will leave next Monday. Mentions problems with new daily help and that his parcels containing soap…

Richard 'Dick' Yates was a wireless operator/air gunner on 35 Squadron flying Halifaxes. He did his basic training at RAF Blackpool. While at RAF Cranwell for wireless traiing, he flew in DH 86 and Valentia. He was shot down and became a prisoner of…

Reg summarises Bomber Command's role in the war then details his personal experiences from training days. He covers in detail the navigational techniques he used. He describes the operation he was on when he was shot down.

The letter is from fis former flight commander and he offers his sympathies.

Alan Richardson’s Flying Log Book as an air gunner from 11th April 1940 until 31st August 1943. Trained as an air gunner and wireless operator at No. 9 Bombing and Gunnery School and No. 9 Air Observers School. Posted to 11 Operational Training…

Airman’s service and pay book for Flight Sergeant Robert Kirkbright from 9 July 1941 to 20 August 1943. Includes personal details, inoculation record and a list of where he served.

Issued to Sergeant Hughes for travel from No. 11 Air Gunnery School, Douglas to Lytham via Liverpool and Preston.

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Bob Butler covering 22 September 1940 to 23 September 1942 detailing training flights, air tests and operations.
Served at RAF Jurby, RAF Bassingbourn, RAF Newmarket, RAF Waterbeach, RAF…

Wireless Operator/Air Gunner’s log book for H C Rouse covering the period from 11 October, 1940 to 16 December, 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, also includes Gunnery Course results, mine laying operations, bomb loads, a…

Observer's and Air Gunner's Flying Log Book for Jas Flannigan, wireless operator/air gunner. Covers his training and operations 13 January 1940 to 31 October 1941. He was based at RAF Evanton, RAF Bassingbourn, RAF Jurby and RAF Middleton St George.…

Air observers and navigators flying log book for John Valentine covering the period from 20 September 1941 to 30 May 1942. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Prestwick, RAF Jurby, RAF Upper Heyford and RAF…

Doug joined the Royal Air Force and trained in the UK as a navigator observer, initially flying on Bothas and then Blenheims. His navigation training took place in Jurby on the Isle of Man. An Operational Training Unit at RAF Kinloss on Whitleys…

Provides dates and family history from their engagement to after the war including John's time as prisoner of war and in hospital after his return. Lists letters and dates and provides locations of where they were written.
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