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  • Tags: RAF Davidstow Moor

Edited transcript. Gives personal details and service history. Enlisted in 1942.Pilot on 1473 Flight and 192 Squadron (100 Group) on Wellingtons. Starts with comments about first posting 1473 Flight which eventually merged with 1474 Flight to become…

Six photographs from an album. #1 four airmen sitting on grass, but ready for action. #2 four airmen sitting on chairs by a hut. Annotated ' F/O Danny & Joe Salt'. #3 is an airman positioned by the nose art of the Wellington. Annotated 'The great…

Five photographs from an album. #1 29 air and ground crew arranged in three rows in front of Wellington X, serial LP156 coded DT-D Duck, of A Flight, 192 Squadron, mid 1944.It is annotated '"A" Flight line up with Alan Roach'. #2 six airmen standing…

A group of 29 air and ground crew arranged in three rows at the nose of Wellington X, serial LP156 coded DT-D Duck, of A Flight, 192 Squadron, mid 1944.

Additional information was provided by John Rees of the 192 Squadron Research Group.
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