Browse Items (144 total)

  • Tags: Me 110

Transcript of discussions and includes information from a letter dated 21 April 1986. Norman Didwell was flight rigger on 99 Squadron at Mildenhall and Newmarket and then at Middle East staging posts, Transport Command RAF Waterbeach and Gatow…

Painting depicting a Wellington with starboard engine on fire, coned by searchlights. A crewman is bailing out on the right. Behind is a Me 110 attacking Wellington and another unidentified aircraft further back. Submitted with caption 'Loss of Fg…

Photocopy of document. Tells of actions in shooting down Me-110. Notes that Ware had completed 51 operations over enemy territory.

A book kept by Doug of Gunnery and Bombing training notes. It also contains black and white and colourised photographs of ground personnel and aircraft.

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Bob Butler covering 22 September 1940 to 23 September 1942 detailing training flights, air tests and operations.
Served at RAF Jurby, RAF Bassingbourn, RAF Newmarket, RAF Waterbeach, RAF…

The letter refers to Pilot Officer R A Sanders who lost his life in 87 Squadron.

A book featuring aircraft likely to be encountered. Each aircraft has silhouettes, photographs and a description to assist in identification.

Autobiography of his early years. Mostly his training in the States.
Also included is an extract from Eleanor Roosevelt's diary, dated September 24, 1942. This includes a thank you letter from RAF trainees who were treated to American hospitality by…

Front quarter view of an airborne Me 110.


Side view of an airborne Me 110 in RAF markings.


View from below of an airborne Me 110 with RAF markings.


From his youth to the award of his DFC by the King.

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Written by his nephew, a narrative of Reg's early life, his participation in student exchanges in Germany, joining the Royal Air force, training, life on the station and the crash in which he died, together with air gunners Sergeant Leslie Johnson…

John 's award announced in the London Gazette.

Harold Jack Lazenby's autobiography.

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Notes kept by JH Bird. Describes some Luftwaffe aircraft.

A memoir of Bernard Scheidauer who was shot down over France but crashed on Jersey. He was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3 and was involved in the tunnels used during The Great Escape.
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