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  • Tags: H2S

Indicates two bomb loads. Includes time on target '0400', preselection settings, and false height settings. On the reverse; marking and tactics, bombing details, Window, camera, navigation notes and other details.

Shows two bomb loads, one for four aircraft the other for ten aircraft. In addition a further one load for mining (gardening) for four aircraft. Details weapon settings including distributor and preselection settings. Also details Window, timings…

Shows a single bomb load for operation. Details spacing, preselection and false height settings as well as times, Window, weights and route. On the reverse lists aircraft allocated to three waves, covers illumination and marking method as well as…

Shows four bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Mentions MINOL filled and H2S. Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large red letters. On the reverse two routes, marking…

Shows one bomb load for operation. Annotated 'Handorf' in green. Details of bombs carried for twelve aircraft. Includes weights, preselection and false height settings as well as Window, timings and other details. Gives bombing heights and notes that…

Shows two bomb loads with distributor and false height settings. Details timings, Window and weights. Struck through and annotated 'Cancelled'. On the reverse timings and marking plan and bombing instructions.

Shows four bomb loads for operation for four, four with H2S, two and three aircraft respectively. Details preselection and delay settings. Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large letters.

Shows two bomb loads for six and seven aircraft annotated H2S respectively. Details preselection, time interval and false height settings. Includes timing, weights, Window effort, route and marking method. as well as bombing instructions. Page is…

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for seven aircraft the other for nine. Includes area for 'anti fighters' and 'anti flak', time to target, bombing heights and wind data. On the reverse marking tactics and timing including blind H2S marking,…

Shows three bomb loads for seven, ten and five aircraft respectively. First load contains 1000 pound AMN59 bombs the second 1000 pound AMN65 and the third 1850 and 1500 pound parachute mines. Annotated 'Mining in Gironde'. Details distributor and…

Notes include marking, briefing times, H2s set up, weights, bombing heights and target marking plan. Continues with bad weather plan, use of H2S, fighter escort details and aiming instructions.

Notes on an operation including petrol, H2S, navigation to 'Laon' and gaggle.

Six items covering operations around Caen. The first is Edward's description of the operation, against troop concentrations. The second is his navigation plot. The third is a print of the expected H2S return of the target. Fourth is a collection of…

Four items, the first a title page, the second Edward's navigation plot, the third a print of the expected H2S return and fourth part of an official report on the operation. This gives the number of aircraft taking part and their group, a weather…

Four items, Edward's description of the operation, where he comments on the anti-aircraft fire, conditions over the target, events during the trip and general observations. Edward's navigation plot, the expected H2S plot over the target and newspaper…

Talks of school time and members of the Hitler youth before the war. Comments on using "Himmelbett" and "Zahme or Wilde Sau" systems with some description of night fighter operations. Goes on to describe the Luftwaffe system for making claims of…

List of crews and flying and other activities in time blocks between 0945 and 1700. Some crews activities to be detailed, other include H2S cross country, H2S bombing, high level bombing and others. Note all crews on E/Flying to report to Squadron…

This was the operation on which Ian Wynn's aircraft was lost. Captain was Squadron Leader P R Turgel. Item contains: 1. A list of crews on the operation. 2. Map of routes to target. 3. Luftwaffe night fighter combat claims for 25/26 May 1943. 4.…

Description of bombing and mine laying operations on targets around Le Havre, Calais, Stettin, Eindhoven, Frankfurt and Pont Rémy during September 1944.

Invited to discuss the tactics of 100 Group and their effect on German night-fighter operations, Peter describes older Kammhuber line system of ground controlled intercepts. He also talks of different kinds 100 Group jamming and spoofing and its…

Describes wartime service from 1939 to 1945. Joined as Halton apprentice in September 1939. Posted as fitter engine to RAF Wittering working on Wellington Hampden and Manchester aircraft. Followed by tour at RAF Upper Heyford working on Wellington…
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