Browse Items (74 total)

  • Tags: Eder Möhne and Sorpe operation (16–17 May 1943)

Reconnaissance photograph with lake on the left and a dam middle with breach with water flowing through. Captioned between pages 46-47 of 1956 Memoir [written vertically on LHS of page presumably for landscape orientation of photo] 'Mohne Dam. The…

Reconnaissance photograph showing lake on left with breached dam half way up on left. Farmland fields top right. Captioned between page 47-48 of 1956 Memoir '[heading] 617 Squadron [/heading]
[caption - written vertically on LHS of page presumably…

Damage descriptions to go with post operation photographs of Cologne, Moehne and Eder Dams. Relates to photographs C.2550, CH.9687 and CH.9750.

Cutting annotated 15 Oct 1956, reports last operational flight of a Coastal Command Lancaster.
A magazine cutting January 1957 reports the last operational Lancaster flight.
A cutting of a letter suggesting that the Lancaster should be preserved…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a postcard of the dam, captioned 'Mohnetalsphere'.
Photo 2 is the dam breached.
Photo 3 is the lake behind the dam, captioned 'Am Mohnsee' and 'RAF Leave Centre 1946'

Article 1. Headlines: Ruhr dams breached, daring low level attack by Lancaster, walls blasted out with 1500lb mines, vast damage by floods. Short account of Dams operation. Article 2. Headlines: growing devastation in Ruhr; flood waters sweep into…

Two photographs. Top showing Mohne dam breached in the centre with lake on the rights. Bottom photograph shows the dam before the attack.

Top - seven aircrew wearing various uniform or flying clothing standing in line under the engine of a bomber. Mick Martin is third from the right. Bertie Foxlee is on the left. Bottom - 22nd June 1943 Hungaria restaurant in London following the…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering aerial views of tanks, the Eder dam after the attack by 617 squadron, Kiel, Trondheim and Heroya harbours under attack, industrial areas in Hanover, railway centres, Italian airfields and aircraft, a dummy…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering bombing of Kiel shipyards, the Potez aircraft factory, flooding after the Moehne dam was breached, repairs to the Sorpe dam, bombing of Heligoland and Dune, the port of La Pallice, the port of Naples, damage…

A magazine of aerial photography covering anti-invasion preparations at the Hague, anti-tank obstacles at Scheveningen, flooding from the Mohne Dam, U-boat bases and port damage, factories, railway stations, camouflaged storage tanks, marshalling…

Head on view of a Lancaster with undercarriage down just above the ground. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'.

Air-to-air view of rear quarter view of a four engine bomber with squadron letters 'AJ-G' airborne at low level with fields below. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'.

Air-to-air view of rear quarter view of a four engine bomber with squadron letters 'AJ-P' and registration NX673' airborne at low level with fields below. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'.
On the…

Air-to-air view of rear quarter view of a four engine bomber with squadron letters 'AJ-G' and registration 'NX679' airborne at low level with fields below. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'. The nose…

Air-to-air view of two Lancaster aircraft airborne in echelon formation. Taken from the port side of the two aircraft. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'. On the reverse 'Shuter, Dick Lambert, Mike…

Air-to-air view of rear quarter view of a four engine bomber with squadron letters 'AJ-G' and registration 'NX679' airborne at low level in a bank to the right with fields below. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The…

Air-to-air view of rear quarter view of a four engine bomber with squadron letters 'AJ-G' airborne with clouds above. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'.

On the reverse 'Originally a 617 aircraft…

John Smith grew up near Corby, surrounded by aerodromes, so was used to the sight of aircraft. He observed Lancaster aircraft practising for the Dambusters raid over Eye Brook Reservoir. He also witnessed glider practice and was impressed by the…

5 Group operation order No B.976. Provides explanation for attack on Ruhr Dams, enemy defences, 20 special Lancaster from 617 Squadron, routes to be flown by all three waves. Goes on with detailed plan of attack, method and timing. Continues with…

Victoires de la RAF en 1943
Air Marshal Sir Richard Peck describes large composition and successes of RAF during 1943 whilst underlining the threat still posed by Germany.

Les machines
Maintains Anglo-American aircraft production is four times…

Top - course photograph of thirty officers wearing tunics or battledress sitting and standing in four rows. Captioned 'No 25 Elementary Course. Syndicate "V", 28/3/45 to 23/5/45', lists name of those on photograph, F/O Baker front row second from…

RAF Marham. Leonard Cheshire proposing Squadron Association toast to present Squadron members on 40th anniversary of Dams Raids. At RAF Marham. May 1983. Starts with toast on 40th anniversary of operation. Talks about the wartime squadron. Mentions…
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