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  • Tags: Distinguished Service Order

Thank you from a former 192 Squadron member Trevor Hicks who is leaving shortly to return to New Zealand. Congratulates David on Distinguished Service Order award. Sends regards to all.

Congratulates David on bar to Distinguished Service Order

Details action to be taken for a replacement if his Distinguished Service Order and bar were not recovered.

On Her Majesty's Service envelope addressed to Wing Commander Donaldson D.S.O, D.F.C

From 'Winnie' congratulations on bar, have beer ready.

Congratulatory Telegram to David Donaldson from his Aunts and Uncles on the award of his DSO. '84' refers to the home address of DWD's Aunt and Uncles; 84 Oakwood Court, West Kensington, not a Squadron.

Additional information about this item has…

Two versions, offers hearty congratulations on his DSO from Frances and her mother.

Congratulates him on award of what writer humorously calls 'Dammed Smart Officer'. Hope family are well. Written on Ministry of Health headed paper. Signed Eric. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Congratulates him on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order and catches up with his own activities.

Congratulations on award of Distinguished Service Order.

Congratulates David on award of Distinguished Service Order and Air Efficiency Award.

Notes that Acting Wing Commander David Donaldson D.S.O and bar, D.F.C, R.A.F.V.R was mobilised on 3 September 1939 until 1st October 1945.

Congratulations on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order and request agreement for insertion of entry into the Law Society Gazette of short summary of Royal Air Force service and awards.

Congratulates David on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order. Mentions squadron did a marvellous job and medal well deserved. Goes onto describe current activities at Little Rissington.

Congratulates David on Distinguished Service Order and Al Roach on award of Distinguished Flying Cross. From the ex adjutant of 192 Squadron serving now in 231 Group, S.E.A.A.F.

Congratulations on bar to Distinguished Service Order.

Account of David Donaldson's Distinguished Service Order, biographic and family details.

Congratulatory letter on Air Ministry headed paper, which goes on to praise Leonard Cheshire for insisting on continuing hazardous situations and dropping a rank to continue on operations. Suggests that Cheshire is greatly admired in the Air Ministry…

Three quarter length portrait of Leonard Cheshire wearing a suit with medals including Victoria Cross, Distinguished Service Order and bar, Distinguished Flying Cross and bar. He is holding folder paper.

Image shows eight decorations in two rows. Top row are Victoria Cross, Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Flying Cross and Burma Star. On the right a photograph in frame of Leonard Cheshire sitting writing in a chair in a garden. On the…

On Vickers-Armstrong headed paper classified most secret. Congratulates Cheshire on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order. Goes on to discuss bomb plots sent to Wallis. Concludes with statement on penetration depths of the new Tallboy bomb.…

Half-length portrait of Leonard Cheshire wearing tropical uniform jacket with rolled up sleeves and side cap. Visible is group captain rank, pilot's brevet and medal ribbons for Victoria Cross, Distinguished Service Order and Distinguished Flying…
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