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  • Tags: Defiant

Pilots flying log book for J O Lancaster, covering the period from 17 September 1943 to 31 May1950. Detailing his duties as a flying instructor, Test pilot with Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment, Empire Test pilots School, discharged…

A memoir written by Cliff Watson divided into 20 chapters.

The Earliest Years.
Born in Barnoldswick, then in Yorkshire, now in Lancashire in 1922. His father ran a wireless business until 1926. He describes his years at schools and a move to…

Pilots flying log book one for L V Rosser, covering the period from 4 March 1939 to 19 July 1943. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Kidlington, RAF Woodley, RAF Grantham, RAF Kinloss, RAF…

Bill describes his new location in Scotland as a desolate place, comparing it unfavourably with his previous stations: 'posh hotels, fashionable seaside resorts, country mansions'. Stranraer is about 12 miles away. Mentions that there are Ansons,…

Starts with a poem and then a series of stories which together form the memoirs of Harold Yeoman, an officer who served in Bomber Command during the war, initially as a pilot on Wellingtons and then as an Intelligence Officer. He relates his…

Photographs 1 and 2 are of a Junkers 352 with RAF roundels. Photograph 3 is of a Me 110 radar equipped night fighter with RAF roundels. Photograph 4 is of a Me 262 with radar aerials on its nose. Photograph 5 is a Ju88 night fighter Photographs 6 and…

This log book covers the training, operational and post war flying career of Geoffrey Gosney from 2 July 1942 to 12 July 1951. It includes a cartoon of the 426 Squadron crest. Geoffrey flew 31 operations in two tours of duty, 23 of which were night…

This log book covers Geoffrey Gosney's training and service as flight engineer for the period 1 March 1942 to 25 June 1942. Details 13 night operations, all flown with Pilot Officer Goldston. Targets were Hamburg, Stuttgart, Warnemünde, Mannheim,…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for P C Geary, air gunner, covering the period from 24 October 1940 to 17 June 1942. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Dumfries, RAF…

Guy Gibson taking his oath to rejoin the Boy Scout movement together with Group Captain E Colbeck-Welch, Wing Commander S P Richards, Flight Lieutenant K Davison and Lieutenant F Carruthers; a report of an operation by Wing Commander C M…

Reports of operations with Wing Commander John Randall Braham, Group Captain John Cunningham who was awarded the Soviet Order of Patriotic War, Flight Lieutenant W H Maguire and Flying Officer Jones. The second page has a cutting of six Defiant…

A book of lecture notes covering British, German, Italian and American fighter, Coastal, Army co-operation, bombers and dive bombers.
Notes on Hygiene, Water, Accommodation and conservancy in the field, Food, cookhouses and cooking, Law and…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling covering the period 1 July 1943 to 23 October 1945 when he was a test pilot with the Royal Aircraft Establishment. In addition it covers the period 14 January 1946 to 26 November 1949 when Bob was a…

A booklet with silhouettes of aircraft listed for the third grade test of the Royal Observer Corps Club. Each of the 62 aircraft is a black image seen from the side and plan.

A leaflet with silhouettes of aircraft listed for the second grade test of the Royal Observer Corps Club. There are side, plan and head-on views of 62 aircraft. 53 views are included for the second grade test.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for E T H Neale, navigator, covering the period from 25 August 1943 to 16 October 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, wartime and post war flying duties. He was stationed at SAAF Port…
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